Breaking News
Friday, January 9, 2009

Info Post
by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews: Advocates on both sides of the abortion debate have different takes on the latest news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. New CDC statistics show a slight increase in teen births and the figures are making headlines across the country. For the pro-life side, a rise in teen births leads to the obvious conclusion that fewer teenagers are having abortions when confronted with a teen pregnancy.

But for pro-abortion syndicated columnist Bonnie Erbe, that's not good news. She complains in a new column that the state of Mississippi saw the highest increase in the teen birthrate only because pro-life advocates have enacted more abortion limits than any other states and closed down abortion businesses. . . . Erbe said she was disappointed that only one abortion center remains in Mississippi.

On the other hand, Janice Shaw Crouse, the head of Concerned Women for America, says the real culprit in rising teen birth rates is the pushing of teen sex in the mainstream media. "When the data showed a decline in teen pregnancies, teen abortions, and teen sexual activity, the mainstream media barely noticed," she said. "Almost nobody heralded that landmark accomplishment which coincided with more widespread abstinence programs in schools and community programs."

"Is the rising popularity of teen pregnancy any wonder? The media is trumpeting the notion that out-of-wedlock births are all the rage these days," she said. "The stories and images targeted to impressionable teens that are being broadcast through various mass media are shaped in ways that glorify the idea and simplify the issues surrounding the pregnancy of a young teenaged girl." Crouse explained that the increase was primarily in the 18- to 19- year-old group. To her, that means the pressure to have sex in college -- where most teens are in environments dominated by sex, drugs and alcohol -- is significantly high. "It brings me no satisfaction to make that point; these 18- to 19-year-old young women are still teens, and their well-being is just as threatened by pregnancy and STDs from promiscuous, too-early sexual activity as it is with the younger teens," she said. Though Crouse is happy that abortions are on the decline, she hopes teen birthrates will decline, too.
Bill Smith: ARRA Editor: David Kincade at The Arkansas Project identified that the Centers for Disease Control shows that Arkansas is #4 in the nation when it comes to teen pregnancies. While Teenage pregnancies are up, one should never equate the solution to this situation to be abortion (killing) of the child. The CDC report provides data but it does not reflect on the resulting psychological problems and guilt that pregnant teens experience when they have an abortions. Our Nation's media and entertainment industry has failed out teenagers by promoting promiscuity. I commend all the women (including teens) who have opted for life rather than having someone destroying their child. My sister and I are very thankful that our young unmarried "birth" mother choose life verses abortion. So were our parents that raised us. So are our spouses, children and grandchildren. We have not forgotten the gift from the one who allowed us to be born. If you are pregnant and need advise, please visit

Tags: Arkansas, CDC, pregnancy, pro-abortion, pro-life, teens To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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