Breaking News
Monday, May 11, 2009

Info Post
H/T Gary Bauer: The White House today announced more growth, but unfortunately it was in our deficit, not in jobs or GDP. It seems that the estimate they made in February, roughly 80 days ago, was slightly off—by $89 billion. One billion equals 1,000 million, so this is real money not just a rounding error. Just more debt that will end up on the backs of our children.

Every day, the president announces many things. He even took time last week to remind us to wash our hands. But this little $89 billion pothole announcement was left to the White House bureaucrats to make. This also kept the president away from another announcement today—that we won't stop losing jobs until sometime in 2010. The president’s only personal announcement today was his new health care initiative—more billions in future spending.

Tags: deficit, federal spending, Obamacare To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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