Breaking News
Friday, January 15, 2010

Info Post
Do you recall learning about the separation of powers under the U.S. Constitution? Congress (all members - not just one party) develops bills under the authority granted them by the Constitution. The bills they approve are sent to the President for  approval or disapproval (veto). If there is a veto, Congress can then consider overriding the Presidents veto. In countries with dictators, the Dictator or his staff calls in the legislators and says here is the bill I want - do it!. We are Constitutional Republic not governed by a Dictator. But as you read the following, you may find your hair standing up on your neck.

As Democrat leaders race to come to an agreement on a final health care bill behind closed doors at the White House, a stunning poll out of Massachusetts shows that even voters in Massachusetts apparently don’t like the health care reform being pushed through Congress. This comes in the wake of other polling this week showing that opposition to the Democrat health care bills continues to grow.

A new poll from Suffolk University and 7 News in Boston report some astounding numbers on how voters in the Bay State view the Washington Democrats’ health care reform proposals. While the poll notes that 54% support Massachusetts’ own health care plan, a majority, 51% actually oppose “the proposed national health care plan.” Some of the opposition may be due to the fact that 61% “believe the federal government cannot afford the proposed national health care plan.” Given the sea of debt the federal government is swimming in, this in an understandable reaction. Democrats are poised to raise the debt ceiling past $13 trillion

Even with voters in Massachusetts and the rest of the U.S. souring on their health care bill, Democrats are scrambling to reach an agreement on a final product. The Washington Post reports today, “Gripped by a building sense that its window of opportunity could be closing, the White House on Thursday broke the last major logjam blocking enactment of far-reaching health-care legislation, cutting a deal with organized labor on how to tax high-cost insurance policies. The agreement, forged in a marathon negotiating session that included White House officials and seven prominent labor leaders, would exempt union members from a proposed surtax on expensive insurance plans until 2018, five years after the legislation would take effect.”

But as Democrats attempt to move closer to a final bill, the unsavory deals being struck just frustrate Americans even more over a bill they already don’t like. In The Wall Street Journal today, Kimberley Strassel points out, “This week's Quinnipiac poll has 34% of respondents ‘mostly’ approving the bill. A token 26% of independents back it. In November, House Democrats were being reassured by a relatively popular president. Gallup this week has a mere 37% of Americans approving of his handling of health care.”

Strassel explains that these numbers should remind observers that the health care bill is not yet a fait accompli. When the House passed its version of health care by a margin of only 3 votes in November, Strassel notes “House Dems hadn't been presented with the mind-blowing sight of a Republican Senate contender running openly against health-care reform—in a state that went 26 points for Mr. Obama—and getting somewhere. ‘There are a lot of [Democrats] asking the question: There’s a need for health-care reform, but our constituents just don’t want this, and who are we to say they are wrong?’ said one Democratic staffer for a member from a more conservative House district.”

Today, we’ve learned that not even the people of Massachusetts seem to support this monstrosity of a health care bill. This poll and the national polls this week should be a wake-up call for every Democrat in Congress that their leadership is rushing them off a cliff in order to enact this health care plan. There is still have time for the Democrats to stop and listen to the majority of Americans and then to VOTE NO on this bill and the sweetheart deals being used to speed its passage.

Tags: conservative democrats, Massachusetts, nationalized health care, The White House To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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