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Saturday, October 23, 2010

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The following is in two parts. The first part by Gary Bauer addresses the firing of Juan Williams from NPR. The second part is the action effort by Americans for Limited Government to DeFund Public Broadcasting. They have even launched a Facebook Fan Page.

Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: NPR’s decision to fire Juan Williams has ignited a firestorm of controversy. Even many liberals are criticizing National “Politically Correct” Radio. A Washington Post editorial defended Williams. And even the liberal hosts of The View, whose dustup with Bill O’Reilly ultimately led to Williams’ firing, are defending Juan.

Barbara Walters said of NPR, “I think they were very wrong.” Whoopi Goldberg chimed in too, saying, “I don’t think he should have been fired, because, in fact ... lots of people have this idea.” Fox News offered Williams a $2 million contract yesterday.

The good news is that this outrageous act of censorship has led to renewed calls to cut off taxpayer-funding for NPR. CWF-endorsed Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) introduced legislation in June to defund NPR. Unfortunately, his bill went nowhere in Nancy Pelosi’s House. But next year a different House of Representatives, hopefully under new management, will feel differently. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), another CWF-endorsed candidate, is promising to introduce legislation in the Senate to defund NPR as well.

In the meantime, I am anxiously awaiting a statement from the president of the United States, who has lectured us on religious liberty in defense of a mosque near Ground Zero. I assume President Obama will speak up in defense of free speech and applaud Fox News for coming to Juan’s defense.

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank suggested that President Obama is “bagging a visit to a Sikh temple … because he wanted to avoid a photo-op while wearing the sort of headdress that’s often confused for the kind Osama bin Laden wears. This kind of cultural insensitivity is likely to get Obama fired as an analyst for NPR.”

While that’s obviously a tongue-in-cheek remark, I think Obama will likely get fired by the American people in two years for his continuing cultural insensitivity in censoring God from our Declaration of Independence, not to mention his general incompetence.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.

by ALG: Americans for Limited Government (ALG) launched a petition drive to defund public broadcasting in the wake of National Public Radio's firing of Juan Williams earlier this week. ALG President Bill Wilson announced the move stating, "It is outrageous that taxpayers are forced to fund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's hard left agenda. It is time for Congress to save $400 million a year by cutting off their funding."

Our government desperately needs to cut its spending. However, it doesn't seem to know where to start. Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn has had an idea on where to trim. Reporter Frank McCaffrey has more on why Public TV and radio could be a good cut.

Visit DeFund Public Broadcasting to sign the straight forward petition:

To Members of the U.S. Congress

We, the undersigned, hereby demand that members of the United States Congress immediately defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson
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