Breaking News
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Info Post
Reince Priebus
Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee: Four years ago, President Obama ran on 'hope and change,' promising to be a different kind of politician, but now his reelection is based on anger and division.

With no record to run on, President Obama and the liberal Democrats continue to practice Chicago-style politics, making false accusations that disgrace the Office of the President. President Obama and his allies have gone from implying that Governor Romney is a felon and murderer to saying that Republicans want to put Americans in chains.

Watch this recent video to see how the Obama campaign and the liberal Democrats have gone too far.

It's time for President Obama and the liberal Democrats to take responsibility for the tone and rhetoric coming from their reelection machine.

Tags: Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee, RNC, video, Democrats, Anger, Division, attacks To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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