Senate Democrat Leaders are Two Faced Liars
Info Post
Fourteen Democrats voted along with 51 Republicans to pass the Child Custody Protection Act (S-403) by a margin of 65-34. Even Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) voted for the act which would prohibit unrelated adults from taking underage girls across state lines to have an abortion. Just minutes after the passage (S-403), the Democrat leadership, which is bought and paid for by the abortion industry, moved to kill the bill by refusing to appoint conferees. This step is required because the Senate bill differs from the version passed by the House by even a greater margin of victory. The Senate and House conferees would have worked out the differences and the bill would have gone to the President to sign. Many two faced liberal Democrat Senators up for election this year voted for the bill because 80 percent of the public favor it. Senator John Ensign (R-NV), who sponsored the bill, is outraged by the actions of his fellow Nevada Senator who is leading the blockage of CCP. Click here to read Senator Ensign's statement. Click here to contact Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid about his duplicity on the Child Custody Protection Act.
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