Breaking News
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Info Post
Please don't mix up the letters AR and AZ. In Arkansas, the liberals are in the Democrat party which also has a dying number of Democrat blue dog conservatives. The Republican Party in Arkansas represents the conservative values and support ALL of the Constitutional rights including the 1st Amendment!

However, it seems that in at least one county in Arizona (AZ), Republicans may not represent these same values. Many across the nation recognize AZ as the home of war hero and former 2008 Republican Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain. However, many other Republicans across the nation recognize John McCain as a RINO who calls the liberal democrats his friends even though they have since his loss voted against his numerous amendments in the Senate.

Based on the Sen. McCain situation and the following story coming out of Maricopa County, AZ where some Republicans are "squashing 1st Amendment Rights", we wonder "Who are these Republicans?" Also, highlighting this event, is that Maricopa County is the home of one the most notable and revered County Sheriffs in the nation. Interested? Here is the story:

AZ County GOP Pols Squash 1st Amendment Rights

By Blue Color Muse: Usually when I hear stories about a Governmental something-or-other trampling on the 1st amendment rights of Liberty loving Americans, I think of national Democrats and their smarmy puling about the beat down they take on Talk Radio.

In what will no doubt be a visual aid for examples of “GOP behaving stupidly”, a group of Arizona Republicans (likely outmaneuvered by the lone Democrat involved), has decided that the 1st Amendment’s guarantees don’t extend to residents of Maricopa County if the people doing the speaking happen to also work for the Government.

At issue are relationships that members of the County Attorney’s office have with the media, including a few bloggers. Not all the media, however, just those beating up on the Maricopa County Supervisors County Manager’s office. Seems the Board of Supervisors has been feuding with other state departments for some time, including messing with Maricopa County’s best known government employee, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Not only that, the same Supes squeezing the County Attorney employees have a really bad track record when it comes to things like character and integrity. The gaggle of liberal GOP Supes and the lone Dem in their midst have been accused of “wasteful spending, power grabs and criminal investigations” and there’s even a Twitter account, CorruptAZSupes.

The dispute with the County Attorney’s office got so bad the County Supervisors fired the County Attorney as their legal representative. And now the County Manager, David Smith, has decided to divert attention from his own side’s misbehaving by brow beating those pesky bloggers and their friends.

Smith sent a letter to the County Attorney’s office demanding to know who had relationships with bloggers - or else! They even specifically demand to know about activity that might have taken place on an employee’s personal time and their personal computers! Specifically named in the letter is Michael Scerbo, the County Attorney PIO, who is SUPPOSED to be in touch with the media! While there are some traditional media outlets mentioned, blogs are specifically targeted. The Sonoran Alliance, The Cactus Alliance and Intellectual Conservative Arizona are all named in the letter as being eeeeeeevil bloggers that bad County Attorney employees shouldn’t have anything to do with. . . . Read the Full Story.

Tags: 1st Amendment, Arizona, Blue Collar Muse, GOP, Republicans To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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