Asa Hutchinson understands that Arkansas' future depends on its educational system. He has announced a detailed education policy that will ensure our children receive a World-Class Education. This proposal includes: (1) creating a Teacher Support Program - Teachers' Ongoing Opportunities and Learning Support; (2) Encouraging and promoting parental involvement by creating a First Teachers Foundation; (3) Promoting public school innovation by expanding public charter school opportunities (4) Preserving education opportunities in rural schools and the delta; and (5) Improving access to voluntary pre-k education programs.
However, since Mike Beebe has no plan, he released an untruthful attack ad on Asa's education record.So let's consider the real facts on what Asa has done to support education as a U.S. Congressman for Arkansas:
In 1998, representing Arkansas in the U.S. Congress, Asa Hutchinson voted for the Head Start Reauthorization (Roll Call). The reauthorization increased the amount of new appropriations that must be used for quality improvement activities until FY 2003.
Federal appropriations for Head Start substantially increased during Asa's tenure in Congress: 1998 - $4.347; 1999 - $4.658; 2000 -$5.267; 2001 - $6.200 billion.
U.S .Congressman Asa Hutchinson cosponsored House Resolution 139 that expressed the sense of the House of Representatives that the Department of Education, States, and local education agencies should spend a greater percentage of Federal education tax dollars in our children's classrooms (Dollars to the Classroom).
U.S. Congressman Asa Hutchinson supported the 1999 Omnibus Bill that included direct funding of $1.2 billion for emergency school renovation and repair (P.L. 106-554).
U.S. Congressman Asa Hutchinson voted yes on the original NoChild Left Behind bill, which increased education funding 27%. However, he did not get to vote on the final bill and subsequent appropriation because he left Congress to become the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) where he worked to protect our children and the rest of the public from illegal drugs.
So about Mike Beebe's record:
While Mike Beebe was a leader in the Arkansas Senate: the State of Arkansas was involved in two lawsuits over inadequate education. This was a culmination of his failed leadership while in the Senate since 1982 to prevent these lawsuits from having merit by asuring that Arkansas' children were provided an adequate education.
While representing the State as Attorney General, Mike Beebe lost the State's appeal in an education lawsuit.
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