Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: Iran delivered another blow to Barack Obama’s appeasement foreign policy over the weekend. Iran...
Manhattan Declaration Hits 200,000 Signatures
Kim Trobee, CitizenLink: Statement on Christian beliefs is a clarion call to reach out to the poor and suffering. The Manhattan Declaration...
Czar of Lies - Obama Science Czar John Holdren - Climategate
Robert Romano, LG Senior News Editor: As the Climategate scandal unfolds and the manipulation and suppression of data disproving “man-made”...
SEIU’s Message To America
by William Warren: Tags: Boy Scouts, labor unions, political cartoon, SIEU, thugs, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on ...
Today in Washington D. C. - Nov 30, 2009 - Public Opposes Dem Health Bills; Dems Don't Seem to be Listening
News reports indicate that "President Obama will announce a surge of 34,000 US troops in Afghanistan at the US Military Academy at Wes...
Huckabee Pardoned Suspected Shooter of 4 Police Officers
Maurice Clemmons has been identified as the man wanted for questioning for the murder of four police officers killed in an ambush in Lakewoo...
Amendment 28 Proposed by Citizens of America
Making the rounds these days is a recommended Constitutional Amendment. While many have reached the point of desiring Congressional Term Li...
Immigration Tradition vs Immigration Today
America has a tradition of immigration. Author Roy Beck stops by Capitol Hill to get the reaction of people after they learn how America...
DOJ Says Acorn Can Be Paid for Pre-Ban Contracts
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has concluded that the Obama administration can lawfully pay the community group Acorn for services prov...
Remembering DHS Politically Correct Ft. Hood Terrorist
Tags: DHS, domestic terrorists, Ft Hood, Janet Napolitano To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / ...
Obama to Make Afghanistan Decision - Maybe?
Tags: Afghanistan, Barack Obama, Commander-in-Chief To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link...
Congress Must Stop the Trial in New York City
by Phyllis Schlafly: The U.S. Constitution can rescue us from the Obama Administration's latest push toward "remaking America....
Presidential Decision on Afghanistan
by Ken Catalino Tags: Afghanistan, Barack Obama, Ken Catalino, political cartoon, Taliban To share or post to your site, click on "Po...
President Zero Doesn't Like America
Colonel BJ Brown, USAF - Retired, Contributing Author: I have a deepening lack of faith in the leadership of the present administration - f...
“The Broken Door” – Lack of Enforcement of Immigration Law Threatens National Security
Jennifer Magyari, Assistant to the President at NumbersUSA: For many of us, the recent announcement that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - the alleg...
Competitive Enterprise Institute Sues NASA in Wake of Climategate Scandal
Christine Hall, CEI: In the wake of the ClimateGate scandal that erupted last week, the Competitive Enterprise Institute took legal actio...
Leftwing Lies - Global Warming Fraud - Climategate
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: In past reports, I’ve expressed skepticism about the so-called global warming consensus. Not on...
Counting the Cost
by Kerby Anderson, Point of View: How much will health care reform cost the American people? You get very different answers depending upon ...
Bo-Tax? Reid's New Nip/Tuck Tariff
President Obama campaigned on the promise that he wouldn't raise income tax on anyone earning more than $250,000 a year. Since his elec...
Weapons of Math Destruction
Tony Perkins, FRC Update: President Obama has introduced his latest initiative: Educate to Innovate . With the help of Big Bird and Elmo,...
Happy Thanksgiving 2009
From Our Archives: The Meaning of Thanksgiving: The documents below clearly show the meaning of Thanksgiving as intended by the nation'...
USAF to Jettison 3,700 Military
Even the military is not safe from losing jobs and U.S. already faces unemployment exceeding 10% . Stars and Stripes : The Air Force announ...
Say No to Cap and Trade
Americans for Prosperity is launching a new television ad campaign called "Say No to Cap and Trade" Tags: ad, AFP, video, cap-and...
Obama's Horn of Plenty
by William Warren: Tags: America, Barack Obama, no jobs, political cartoon, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "...
Global Threat: Obama & Cabinet Secretaries Attending Climate Talks in Copenhagen
The Washington Post reports that President Obama will attend international climate talks next month in Copenhagen and commit the U.S. to a ...
Ken Blackwell Calls for Dismissal of Army Chief of Staff General George Casey
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor - Reflects on Ken Blackwell and General Casey: First, just think - the Republican National Committee could have had...
American Voters Tired of Obama False Hope & Destructive Changes
Bill Smith, Editor: The latest numbers show that Barack Obama's popularity is falling almost as fast as former Teamsters President Ji...
Blue Dogs - Including Berry, Lincoln & Pryor - Pee on Constituents
by Lisa Benson Boot Berry Tags: Blanche Lincoln, Blue Dog, Lisa Benson, Marion Berry, Mark Pryor, politcial cartoon, taxpayers To share or...
ACORN Puts Sensitive Documents in Dumpster
Fox News : A private investigator says he found tens of thousands of sensitive documents dumped outside a California ACORN office just...