“They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way.” — Jim Malone, The Untouchables.Call it “gangster government”— an over-glorified protection racket that favors those who tow the party line, and viciously retaliates against those who dare to depart from the dogma of the Dear Leader.
Said Congressman Steve King in an exclusive interview with the Washington News Observer, “In Chicago, you have gangster government. Valerie Jarrett’s been in the middle of that—she’s been brokering power for a long time—and the links she has with William Ayers and other nefarious characters in Chicago tell us what we’ve got in the White House itself.”
In other words, either you pay tribute to Obama, or you pay the price — Chicago-style. As Jarrett recently stated at the recent World Economic Forum in Switzerland that, “I think knowing Chicago is essential to knowing America and our new President.”
That’s it, a racket. And Jarrett is at the heart of it. According to CNN, “Obama says he runs every important decision by Jarrett, trusts her completely and considers her family.” And, you never go against the family.
In fact, anyone that dares to speak out against the Administration is made an overt political target by Jarrett and Obama. Just ask FOX News and the Chamber of Commerce. Or Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge. Or the GM and Chrysler bondholders. Or Humana. Or America’s Health Insurance Plans, an insurance industry lobby. Or Edmunds.com, which made the disastrous mistake of criticizing the failed “cash for clunkers” program.
Or, for that matter, the American people, who were called liars by Obama in his address to Congress and labeled extremists, “un-American”, and “political terrorists” by their own representatives.
This is right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook — “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.” The idea is to isolate the opposition and to make them pariahs, freeing the way for the Administration to act with impunity.
Which is exactly what has happened. Since Barack Obama has been elected, de facto one-party rule has reigned in Washington on virtually every policy measure pushed through either Congress or by executive fiat. The so-called trillion-dollar “stimulus.” Nationalizing the auto industry. The national energy tax. They’re all of a piece. In just one year, Republicans have been shut out of discussions on everything from creating jobs to health care in the House and Senate. They have been completely isolated — and vilified.
But not if you ask Valerie Jarrett. According to the top Obama advisor, Obama has been the model “bipartisan” president, who meets with his opponents and reaches compromises. “He has reached out,” Jarrett assured Stephanopoulos. “He has listened. He has reached across the aisle. Just recently meeting with both the Democrats—the Republicans and the Democrats in both the House and in the Senate. His effort has been sustained throughout the year.” Really?
If so, the record clearly doesn’t show it. In fact, Obama’s “bipartisan approach” has been so anemic that not a single House Republican voted for the “stimulus.” Only one voted for the controversial health care takeover on Saturday. And the energy cap-and-tax drew far more Democrat votes against than Republican votes for, courting only eight Republicans in support versus 44 Democrats who opposed it. In fact, the only real bipartisanship in Washington as of late has been against Administration policies. 39 Democrats joined with 176 Republicans in voting against the Pelosi health bill in the House on Saturday.
Senate Republicans have fared little better. According to Senator John McCain, speaking to FOX News, as health care legislation has proceeded through Congress, “Republicans have been completely shut out of any conversation or negotiation. And you know that during the campaign — I wish our viewers could see it over and over again. The president is saying when we take up health care reform, C-SPAN will be in the room, Republicans will be there, and the American people will be able to see who’s on the side of the pharmaceutical companies and who’s on the side of the American citizens.”
But, said McCain, that never happened. “Behind closed doors they cut deals with the pharmaceutical companies, with the hospital people… [I]t’s business as usual. There is no change.” In other words, it has been one-party rule from the very beginning from the President who told Republican Congressional leaders on day one: “I won, you lost.” And Jarrett knows it—because she has orchestrated it. And yet, when asked by Stephanopoulos why Obama had failed to “heal the partisan divide,” she said, “Well, you should ask that question to the Republican Party.”
No, he shouldn’t. Stephanopoulos was asking the right person the question. In essence, why is the Obama regime so divisive, thuggish, and pushy? Because it was designed to be. And one of the top engineers of this “gangster government” is Valerie Jarrett.
This post was authored by Robert Romano, the ALG Senior News Editor.
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