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Monday, November 1, 2010

Info Post
Baring the impact of the claims by citizens of voting fraud in a number of states as well as the abuses of seniors being forced to hand over their absentee ballots, the pundits expect the democrats to take a bath in tomorrow's elections. Even in states like Arkansas where every precinct in the state is controlled by democrats, major gains are expected for the Republicans. The polls are clear, most local voters are upset with the the progressive Democrat agenda in Washington, D.C. If Republicans do not win as projected, it would be one of the greatest broad based thefts of the citizen's vote in American history.

The latest polls out today reiterate what Americans have been saying to Washington all year: they’re fed up with the policies of President Obama and the Democrat majority in Congress. Indeed, pollster Bill McInturff, who conducts the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll with pollster Peter Hart said, “This is a devastating set of data for the incumbent party. It is a rebuke to the last two years.”

NBC’s deputy political directory Mark Murray writes about the NBC/WSJ poll today, “Nearly 50 percent of likely voters prefer a GOP-controlled Congress, which is virtually unchanged from the poll taken two weeks ago; a plurality of all registered voters say it would be a ‘good thing’ if Republicans were in charge of both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate; and almost two-thirds — including about half of Democrats — want to see a significant amount of change in the way President Barack Obama has been leading the country.” Murray adds, “Obama’s job-approval rating in the survey . . . stands at 45 percent, a two-point decline from the last poll. More tellingly, a combined 63 percent — including 47 percent of Democrats — say they want to see ‘a great deal of change’ or ‘quite a bit of change’ in the way the president has been leading the country.”

Americans continue to express their frustration with the direction of the economy under Democrats. According to the NBC/WSJ poll, 84% say they’re “dissatisfied” with the state of the U.S. economy, including 55% who say they’re “very dissatisfied.” Interestingly, respondents were also asked, “Do you think if Democrats maintain control of Congress in November they will continue with the economic policies of Barack Obama,” and 63% said congressional Democrats would continue those policies. Combined with the nearly 50% who would prefer a Republican Congress and the 63% who say they want a “great deal of change” from the way the President has been leading the country, these numbers confirm that Americans are fed up with the economic policies of Democrats.

Recent polling also shows that Americans are continuing to express their disapproval with the health care law Democrats jammed through Congress over the objections of a majority of the country. The Wall Street Journal editorialized over the weekend, “This election is a referendum on an entitlement the public never wanted and continues to hate, as evidence from around the country is showing. Take almost any poll at random. Even this week's New York Times-CBS poll has repeal leading among likely voters, 47% to 43%. The latest Pew-National Journal survey shows that a majority of likely voters—51%—favors repeal, including 53% of independents. The Real Clear Politics average of all polling shows support for the law at 40.9%—and opposition at 50.6%.” The WSJ editors further noted, “In the 92 most-competitive districts that matter for controlling the House, a Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll found that 55% of voters favor the candidate who wants to repeal ObamaCare. Only 42% will vote for candidates who want to keep the law. Opposition is most intense among crucial voting blocks like independents and seniors; those who called the law ‘very bad’ outweighed the ‘very goods’ by 24 to 34 points.”

The Hill added, “President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) needed every vote they could muster to push the [health care] bill through the House in March. The legislation passed 219-212, but for some Democrats, that vote could prove to be their political death. . . . [P]olling shows that Democrats have lost the message war this year on the landmark health law and in tight races, the yes votes could be the deciding factor. ‘In the end, it’s one of these cruel situations where a yes vote hurts you and a no vote doesn’t help very much,’ said Bruce Cain, the public policy director of the University of California Washington Center. ‘I think what’s going to happen is [voters are] going to punish Democrats who voted yes and not sufficiently reward those who voted no.’”

Clearly Americans have had it with Democrats’ policies, especially their approach to the economy and health care. To quote Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, “Americans have had it. They’ve had it with Democrats focusing on their own pet issues at the exclusion of Americans’ top priorities, and they’re tired of being told that if only the Democrats pass their agenda those priorities will be met. The results are in. The Democrat agenda has been a failure for the economy and for jobs. . . . It’s time to start listening instead of dictating. Americans are speaking out.”

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