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Monday, January 16, 2012

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor, ARRA News: Before the votes in South Carolina were in, Jon Huntsman suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed former Governor Mitt Romney.

Huntsman provided the only experienced candidate in foreign relations having been the Ambassador to China under the Obama administration. In his comments, Huntsman did not hold back in his criticism of his "former boss." The Washington Post noted that Huntsman expressed concern over President Obama engaging in "class warfare" and said that this contributed to "divisiveness in American politics."

While neither the ARRA News Service nor the Arkansas Republican Assembly has to date endorsed a candidate for president, Jon Huntsman was an impressive looking candidate who often came off as the sole "statesman" verses one of the dog-eat-dog candidates "duking it out." Huntsman was refreshing and it was obvious that the various debate hosts lacked in their willingness to give Huntsman adequate if not equal time to share his positions. Also, appreciated the involvement of his daughters in his election campaign. Hope they will continue to be involved in conservative politics.

With Huntsman's experience as Ambassador representing the United States with China, the largest holder of America's debt, it is hoped that the Republican nominee for president if elected will find a place for Huntsman in their new administration. How about Secretary of State?

The United States needs someone who understand the value of the State Department, who will be willing to cleanup a lot of its operations, and who will restore the positive image of the State Department. If former Ambassador Huntsman or one of his friends happens to read this, I would consider coming out of retirement to join him if he were the Secretary of State. Dreaming on: I would even love to return to Belgium as one of the three Ambassadors. Now there is a place to begin, let's consider reducing the number of ambassadors in Belgium.

Thanks Jon for being a class act. Zài Huì

Tags: Jon Huntsman, suspends, presidential campaign, 2012 election, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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