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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Info Post
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: With week's end, Arkansas Republicans look toward the future of rebuilding. At the conclusion of Tuesday's filings, Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) Chair Dennis Milligan admitted to the press: "I was disappointed for sure, but you plan your work and you work your plan.” Milligan said, the plan is to rebuild the party from the ground up, “We’re not focusing at this point on top-tier positions. We’re focusing on building a good, solid foundation that can withstand the load, and then being able to produce upper-echelon candidates in the future.”

RPA Executive Director Karen Ray said, "the state GOP is focused on building a brighter future. Quorum Court seats, county seats and then the legislative seats are really what we’ve focused on. We’ve had a lot of training for these folks, we’ve had information sessions. I’ve been calling JP candidates all over the state and so has Dennis Milligan.”

While almost all of Northwest Arkansas remain strongly Republicans and retained without Democrat opposition several Republican legislative and local seats, other locations are also doing well. In North Central Arkansas in Baxter County, Republicans remain strong after establishing themselves three years ago. According to Baxter County GOP Chair Gary Smith, " We had a State Senator, two county constitutional offices, seven of eleven Quorum Court positions and six Constables remain in Republican hands without opposition. Although democrats have filed against Republicans for State Representative, County Judge, County Sheriff, a Quorum Court and a Constable seat, we expect that Republicans will retain most if not all of these positions."

Then moving to Eastern Arkansas to Poinsett County, we note for the first time that Republicans have filed for office. Poinsett County GOP Chairman J.C. Lassiter said, "We’re working now on the grassroots level, and we’re trying to elect Quorum Court members. We have two Quorum Court JP candidates and a constable candidate running, and we think we’re really doing something.”

On the Arkansas legislative level, 13 Republicans are unopposed for the Arkansas House. In addition, 22 Republicans and one Independent are competing against Democrats. With only 8 of the seats having been previously Republican, the Republicans have an opportunity to gain seats in the House. In Arkansas Senate races, two Republicans are not up for re-election and 5 Republicans are unopposed. In another race, incumbent Gilbert Baker, former Republican Party of Arkansas chair is in a contested race. Although Republicans will remain significantly out numbered in the Senate, Senator Denny Altes, the Senate Republican Leader, remains and Senator Kim Hendren, the Senate Republican Whip, is unopposed for re-election. In addition, Johnny Key, the current House Republican Leader, will join them in the Senate.

Tags: Arkansas, Baxter County, Dennis Milligan, Denny Altes, Election 2008, Gilbert Baker, House, Johnny Key, Karen Ray, Kim Hendren, Poinsett County, Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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