Breaking News
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Info Post
Rep. Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in opposition to the Democrats’ latest plan for a government takeover of health care. Watch the video and see the text below:

"This is a remarkable moment in the life of our nation. After years of runaway federal spending, deficits, debt, borrowing, bailouts and takeovers, against the opposition of a clear majority of the American people, the Democrats in Congress and in this administration are prepared to ram through a $1 trillion government takeover of health care.

It’s just hard to believe. Ignoring the will of the American people, twisting the rules of the House and the Senate into a pretzel, we are headed for a showdown this weekend. But I got to tell you, I like our chances.

The reason House Democrats don't have the votes is because the American people know this is a government takeover of health care. Mandating that every American purchase health insurance whether they want it or need it or not, passing hundreds of billions of dollars in job-killing tax increases, providing public funding for abortions, and setting into motion government-run insurance that will cost millions to lose the insurance they have is a government takeover of health care.

Let’s have the debate. A minority in Congress plus the American people equals a majority. America, we can win this fight."

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Tags: debate, government healthcare, Mike Pence, US House, America To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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