Breaking News
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: Gary Bauer highlights some great news which has been identified in bits and pieces in the news. Democrats are losing ground in the South as Democrats who are at heart conservatives and not liberals are are walking across the isle and changing parties. Unfortunately, this has not happened in Arkansas -- yet! However, it should be.

As I have detailed before, the term "conservative democrat" is an oxymoron. However, today the emphasis is on "moron." Only a moron would continue to associate with a group with which they have no common philosophical belief. A person may marry and love a person with different beliefs, but politics is not marriage. Politics is also not ancestral - you were not born a progressive liberal democrat.

I will concede that some elected officials "may be" borderline fiscally conservative while in all other areas they are a liberal. oever, this is even hard to believe because a liberal always wants to spend other people's money. Of course a person can be an Arkansas Beebe style fiscally conservative who plans the taking of the people's money first and then spending only what they planned to take. This is  like crooks spending no more than they took through theft and deception. But even when one is Dem-lite." they eventually slip into wanting more and more use of "other people's money." The result is more robbery via taxes, fees, and debt by deceptive bonding initiatives.

For those democrats claiming to be supporters of the Constitution (not Pelosi's or Obama's view of the Constitution) and to be fiscal conservative seeking to control the growth and to reduce the size of big government and to stop imposing unfunded mandates on the Counties, Cities and communities, you are lying to  yourself and your constituents. You are preventing conservative progress in Arkansas. You should be following the example of other Southerners mentioned in Bauer's article and walk across the isle and join the Republicans. It is that easy, once a person settles in their mind and soul to do the right thing.

If you are a democrat claiming to be a fiscal conservatives, a national defense conservative, and a traditional values conservative or even two out of the three, stop perpetuating a lie that you are a democrat. You are compromising your beliefs and advancing a liberal party's politics which you indicate that you do not believe. Save your children, grandchildren from progressive liberalism. Walk across the political isle. Join us! As Republicans, we will not always agree and in fact some may indeed be insufferable. But that is not the point. You are not a fishing, hunting or having fun with friends. You are supposed to be representing the people of Arkansas on the right side of as a conservative.

Dedicated military members in harms-way find that fear and the realization of their own mortality is real but they can still sleep in the midst of conflict. Why, because they know they are morally on the right side and their buddies, whom believe as they do, have their back. If you are conservative in the Democrat Party, who has your back as you represent your constituents? Is it the liberals? If you are pro-life, is it the pro-death advocates? If you are pro-Arkansas workers and jobs for Arkansans, is it your open borders colleague or liberals who are restricting the growth of business? Join us on the right side! You will perform better because you will not be hiding behind the false label as a liberal. If you fear loosing friends, they never were your friends.

It is time for closet conservatives to declare themselves free and independent of the Party of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Help save Arkansas!

Also, it is time for elected Republicans to stand with all conservative positions and to stop compromising with Democrats. You cannot advance conservatism by playing for the other team!

Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: You probably thought that the elections were over, but there are new results coming in and they are dramatically reshaping the political landscape. Don't worry -- these aren't new ballots that have been found. Instead it seems some politicians are finding their brains.

Since the November elections, at least 30 elected Democrats have switched parties in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Last week, Buddy Caldwell, Louisiana's attorney general, switched to the GOP. His defection leaves Senator Mary Landrieu as the only Democrat holding state-wide office in the Bayou State. And the trend continues -- another Louisiana state representative switched parties yesterday!

One respected political scientist at Emory University in Atlanta blames the "increased liberalization" of the Democrat Party for the defections. Every legislator quoted in the media agreed with that analysis.

Yesterday brought even more evidence of the demise of "moderate" Democrats: The Democratic Leadership Council announced that it was shutting down. The DLC was formed in 1985 to pull the Democrat Party back to the center after Ronald Reagan's landslide victory over Walter Mondale. The election of Bill Clinton as a "New Democrat" was considered a triumph for the DLC.

But in the Age of Obama, the DLC can't compete with the likes of, CodePink and the myriad of left-wing groups that dominate today's Democrat Party.

Tags: Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Democrat Party, Republican party, The South, changing political party, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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