Breaking News
Monday, June 4, 2012

Info Post
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: There was more bad economic news for Barack Obama over the weekend and this morning. Europe continues to flail around for solutions to the chaos in Greece and the growing banking problems plaguing Spain. George Soros predicted this weekend that European leaders have "three months to save the Euro." (I'm sure Soros will make money no matter what happens!)

Looking around the world there aren't many bright spots. The Chinese economy appears to be slowing down, and the Japanese stock market fell to a 28-year low. A shrinking global economy is bad news for the U.S. economy.

Meanwhile here at home, the Commerce Department reported that orders for manufactured goods fell in April, when economists had been expecting a small increase. Worse, Reuters reports that the Commerce Department also revised previous figures "to show a steeper decline" in March.

Clearly, Obamanomics is not working. As one economics blogger at the American Enterprise Institute noted, Obama's transition team promised that the unemployment rate today would be 5.7% if we passed his massive stimulus bill. The stimulus bill passed, and $831 billion later the unemployment rate today is 8.2%, not 5.7%.

Sadly, many Americans are losing hope that our best days are still ahead. A new Gallup poll finds that just 40% of Americans are satisfied with the opportunity for the next generation to live a better life than their parents. Among adults 55 and older (a key voting bloc), just 34% are satisfied and 62% are dissatisfied.

No doubt these folks are watching many of their adult children or grandchildren struggling to make ends meet in Obama's economy. They are probably worried about how their kids will pay for all of Obama's socialist spending, not to mention how he is undermining their values at every turn.

Even More Bad News
Here's something else that must have the Obama campaign worried. A new poll by Scott Rasmussen suggests that attempts to label Mitt Romney as "extreme" are not working. According to the poll, 52% of likely voters consider Mitt Romney's political views "mainstream," while just 30% say his views are "extreme."

But likely voters were evenly split on Barack Obama. Forty-five percent said the president's views are "mainstream," and 45% said Obama's views are "extreme."

That is a remarkable finding considering that the left-wing media have been cheerleading for Obama ever since he burst onto the national stage in 2007. It is a clear rebuke for the man who promised us hope and change, but who has instead been the most polarizing president in our history.

As we have documented [and identified below] Obama's views are extreme. Whether it's normal marriage, abortion-on-demand or tax increases, Obama consistently sides with a radical minority against the commonsense values of the American people. Thankfully, it seems more and more voters are catching on!

Obama Vs. America

Barack Obama is out-of-touch with mainstream American values.  His extremism is laid bare by public opinion polls demonstrating how he consistently sides with a radical minority against the commonsense views held by most Americans. DOWNLOAD PDF OF THIS ARTICLE
OBAMACARE 56% of voters want ObamaCare repealed.i  39% support it.
BIG GOVERNMENT 72% of Americans believe ObamaCare's individual mandate is unconstitutional.ii  Only 20% believe the mandate is constitutional.
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY 57% of Americans oppose Obama's mandate forcing religious institutions to pay for services that violate their values.iii  Just 36% said religious institutions should be forced to pay for services they morally object to.
MARRIAGE By an average vote of 68%, 31 states have passed constitutional amendments to protect the meaning of normal marriage. iv On May 9, 2012, Barack Obama endorsed same-sex "marriage."
ENERGY 60% of voters support building the Keystone XL pipeline.  Just 24% oppose it.v
TAXES 75% of likely voters say the top tax rate should be 30% or less. But Obama wants to raise it to nearly   Only 4% of likely voters felt the top tax rate should be 40% or more.
VOTER ID 75% of likely voters, including 63% of Democrats, support voter ID laws.vii   But the Obama Administration is blocking voter ID laws in Texas and South Carolina.
STIMULUS 62% of Americans, including 45% of Democrats, think Obama's $800 billion stimulus bill just created more debt.  Only 28% think it actually helped the economy.viii
IMMIGRATION 61% of likely voters support an Arizona-style anti-illegal immigration law.  Only 28% of voters support the Obama Administration's lawsuit against the law. ix
GROUND ZERO MOSQUE 68% of Americans, including 54% of Democrats, opposed the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero.x   Just 29% supported it.
ABORTION 72% of Americans believe there should be some restrictions on abortion or that it should be illegal.xi   Just 22% support abortion-on-demand.  Obama sides with the 22%.
MISSILE DEFENSE 55% of Americans support a missile defense system.  Just 16% oppose it. xIi
OCCUPY MOVEMENT 55% of likely voters have an unfavorable opinion of the OWS movement, while 36% view it favorably. xIii
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Barack Obama, bad news, America, voters To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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