Dr. Bill Smith, ARRA Editor, USAF Retired: The total military dead in the first five years (2003- Feb 2008) Iraq / Afghanistan war was 3,964. We are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Protestors like code-pink protest but when peacetime arrives they have no idea of how many military die in the service of their country. In fact, their protest seem not be concerned with American deaths but for those of our enemies.
But to put the Iraq / Afghanistan war deaths in perspective, we can compare the number of military deaths during the "peacetime" Clinton administration [1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996 and another 3,198 active duty deaths during the second four year term (1997 - 2000; about 800 active duty deaths per year)]. The total military deaths for the eight years of the Clinton "peacetime" years was 7615. This fact is not identified to criticize the Clinton years as Commander-in Chief. In comparison, more military were killed in "peacetime" in first 5 years (5217 deaths) under the Clinton administration than have been killed in the five years of the Bush administration while at war (3964 deaths).
Death of any of our service men and women in peace or in war is sad but an occupational hazard understood by all that serve. In peacetime, deaths from intensive training, routine intervention, special operations, etc., are not identified as war deaths. However, their service were no less dangerous or important. The military has served to protect and to defend American interests throughout the world without headlines or the respect of the American people during peacetime. But to their loved ones and to those of us who did not die while serving, their deaths in peacetime as well as in war are etched in our memory and hearts.
Tags: Afghanistan, ARRA, Bill Clinton, Bill Smith, Iraq War, military deaths, peacetime, President George Bush To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Clinton vs Bush - Military Deaths
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