by Michael Reagan, GOPUSA: If John McCain weren't such a trusting soul he would have wondered why The New York Times endorsed him -- a member of the hated Republican Party -- as their (slightly) preferred candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, especially when he knew they were preparing a slanderous, largely anonymously sourced, story bound to damage his candidacy and his reputation. The very wording of their endorsement should have been sufficient warning that eventually they'd be out to get him. He was merely the lesser of several evils facing GOP primary voters and they had at hand a weapon they believed they could use to scuttle his candidacy once he had snared the nomination and thus prevent a hated conservative from winning. . . .
Senator McCain, fully aware of the story the Times was holding in their arsenal of sleaze, should have instantly rejected their endorsement as being akin to an endorsement by the likes of Osama bin Laden or the Boston Strangler. He didn't then, but now that the Times' trap has sprung he should avoid having anything to do with The New York Times or any of it reporters, editors, employees or advertisers in recognition of the fact that the newspaper is toxic and dangerous to his health and the health and welfare of the American people.
He should refuse all of their requests for interviews, and make the Times and its minions persona non grata for the duration of the campaign and forever thereafter. And he should urge all of his fellow Republican office holders to do the same. Who needs the Times, especially since we already have al Jazeera? Time after time, The New York Times has shown itself to be the Typhoid Mary of American journalism, and as such should be quarantined to prevent its viruses from further infecting our body politic and endangering both our national security and the safety of the American people. . . . [Read More]
Tags: Election 2008, GOPUSA, John McCain, Michael Reagan, New York Times To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Times Executes A Well-Timed Ambush
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