Kimberley Strassel has a good column in today’s Wall Street Journal discussing the pitfalls facing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as they try to juggle the conflicting interests of Democrat constituencies in attempting to craft a new bailout for US automakers.
Pelosi has been saying for over a month that the House would return for a lame duck session next week to pass what Democrats have referred to as an “economic stimulus” that could take the form of unemployment insurance or another loan for auto companies. Yet Roll Call reports today that what exactly the House will do is up in the air, reporting, “House Democratic leaders are still unsure how — or even whether — next week’s anticipated lame-duck session will play out.” This is, of course, after Pelosi said in early October that “What we can’t wait for is a stimulus package.”
So the question of the hour is: what will the Democrats do? Will they bother trying to pass any bill at all? And if they do, which group’s interests will get the most consideration? Detroit? The UAW? Environmental groups? Taxpayers? Warning - Congress may Return! The Senate is in recess until noon on Monday when it will return for a lame duck session to consider a lands bill and potentially a Democrat economic stimulus package, depending on House action. The House is expected to be called back into session on Monday to take up a second economic stimulus bill.
Tags: Democrats, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, US Congress, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Pelosi Watch - Washington DC. - Nov. 14, 2008
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