Breaking News
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Info Post
Albert Einstein gives the World his tongueA top Russian political analyst predicted that the United States is heading for collapse and will divide into six separate parts. Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will adopt the Amero currency, and China and Russia will regulate world markets. After reading Panarin's predictions, you may agree with Albert Einstein who had ways of appropriately giving his opinion on issues. [see photo].
by Barbara Sowell - According to RIA Novosti (Russian News and Information Agency), Professor Igor Panarin was interviewed by Izvestia and the interview was published on Monday. If and when the U.S. breakup comes about, Panarin says that "we” (Russia) “could claim Alaska - it was only granted on lease, after all."

Panarian said that because the U.S. dollar “is not secured by anything,” and because America’s debt has “grown like an avalanche” at more than $11 trillion, this “is a pyramid that can only collapse.” Panarin has been making this prediction since 1998. RIA Novosti reported that Panarin made these dire predictions at an international conference in Australia 10 years ago when the U.S. economy appeared to be strong. Panarin hedged when it came to pinpointing the exact time of the "expected” U.S. economic collapse . . .

He predicted that the U.S. will break up into six parts - the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong. . .

According to RIA Novosti, Panarin claimed that a secret (North American Union) agreement in 2006 was reached between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. making the Amero currency the new monetary unit. This Amero will replace the dollar under the pretext that “terrorists are forging them and they need to be checked." . . . [Top Russian Analyst Predicts U.S. Breakup and New North American Currency]
Turn about is fair play. Check out Russia and the Global Economic Crisis by Stephen Sestanovich published by the Council on Foreign Relations which addresses Russia’s failing economy. As Barbara Sowell appropriately summarised, "Apparently Russia’s economy isn’t doing all that well. Export earnings from energy and metals are sharply declining, corporate balance sheets are over-leveraged, there is a “chorus of bailout appeals,” bank failures, credit crunches, failing real-estate and mortgage defaults . . . and the list goes on."

Tags: Alaska, amero, Barbara Sowell, Canada, economy, Human Society of United States, Mexico, Russia To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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