Breaking News
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Info Post
by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann: Chris Christie's gutsy win in New Jersey puts the arrogant big spender Jon Corzine in his place. But it is the election in Virginia that probably has more to say to marginal Democratic congressmen who are considering how to vote on health care reform.

Obviously Christie's victory is a body blow to Obama after Corzine outspent the Republican by 5:1. Corzine's defeat sends a message that the nation is moving sharply against Obama. But it is the Virginia results that are the most important. More than 80 Democratic congressmen and 20 senators come from states that McCain carried in 2008. For them, the sudden switch in Virginia, a swing state that Obama actually carried, heralds tough political times ahead.

New Jersey is the quintessential blue state. If it goes Republican, blue-state congressmen need not worry. Their districts are likely still safe. But when a Republican in Virginia wins by twenty points, it sends a message to red-state Democratic Congressmen to take cover. Polls indicate a declining level of popular approval of the Obama policies (Rasmussen shows his job approval at 46 percent), but to see actual Democrats losing or barely squeaking out victories in solidly blue states sends a far clearer message to the Democrats in Congress.

Until last night, Democratic moderates, the so-called blue dogs, could bask in the light of their candidate’s success in 2008. But now, they must hear hoof beats behind them. . . . [Read Full Story]

Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: "My conclusion: We can make massive gains in Congress next year and take back the White House in 2012, if we can build on this momentum at the grassroots, recruit solid candidates and raise the necessary funds."
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor:  "Ditto!"
Tags: 2009, Dick Morris, Eileen McGann, election, New Jersey, Virginia To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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