Newt Gingrich, American Solutions: This Saturday, Speaker Pelosi will try to ram her 1,990 page government health care bill through the House of Representatives. If you want to defeat this, you must make our voice heard. Urge him or her to vote NO on H.R. 3962. We don't need a government takeover of health care. Remember, the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. Please take a moment and make the call. Remind Congress that in America, we the people shape the future. Thank you for taking a stand. Know that there are millions of other Americans standing with you.
Phil Kerpen, AFP Director of Policy: Yesterday, more than 20,000 Americans - people from all across the nation - traveled to Washington to say "Hands Off Our Health Care!" and demand real reform that expands choice and puts patients first. The atmosphere was electric. It's clear that the energy of this summer's protests has only grown as Congress tries to rush us towards a reckless multi-trillion-dollar health care takeover. Tens of thousands of Americans made "Emergency House Calls" yesterday to their Representatives' local offices. We saw huge crowds in Missouri, Arizona, Wisconsin, Colorado, North Carolina, Arkansas, and other key states. Our message and our enthusiasm have clearly resonated with Republican legislators. Rep. Eric Cantor, the Republican Whip, told the crowd in Washington that not a single Republican will vote for Nancy Pelosi's Washington takeover of health care, scheduled for this Saturday. You and I must hold the Republican legislators to this commitment. But we must also, right now, break through to wavering Democratic legislators and demand that they vote "No" this Saturday. Please help by calling your member of Congress today. Then, encourage everyone you know to contact their member of Congress.
Thomas A. Schatz, President, Citizens Against Government Waste: The House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.R. 3962, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA.) disastrous health care reform bill. I urge you, to tell your U.S. Representative that you OPPOSE this unaffordable government takeover of health care! H.R. 3962 poses a fundamental threat not only to our nation’s and your own financial health and prosperity, but to every American’s individual liberties and right to free choice! According to an initial estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, H.R. 3962 will cost our country a minimum of $894 billion over 10 years. Robert Pear of The New York Times reported, “By the most commonly used yardstick, the bill would cost $1.05 trillion over 10 years.” H.R. 3962 would also inflict a whole host of new taxes and costly mandates on individuals and businesses as American families struggle to make ends meet and unemployment approaches double digits.
The most dangerous part of Pelosi’s healthcare “reform” bill is that it paves the way to a complete government takeover of healthcare in this country that will dramatically expand the size of government; allow bureaucrats and politicians to dictate your choice of doctors, treatments, and medicines; and ration quality care to control costs. H.R. 3962 creates 111 new federal boards, bureaucracies, commissions, and programs. It also expands Medicaid to all individuals with incomes below 150 percent of the federal poverty level, an estimated 10 million Americans. Speaker Pelosi proposes to pay for this government takeover of health care with massive cuts to Medicare. Those include more than $170 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage Plans that will gut the program, forcing the more than 10 million seniors who opt for it back into traditional fee-for-service Medicare, which has higher out-of-pocket expenses. It’s so vitally important that you tell your U.S. Representative to vote NO on H.R. 3962 today!
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council: On Saturday, Congress will vote on the massive health care legislation which currently will spend your money on all elective abortion! Speaker Nancy Pelosi's health care bill authorizes the government run "public option" to fund elective abortion and would subsidize private plans that cover elective abortion. Pro-life Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak and Republican Rep. Joe Pitts want to offer a pro-life amendment to strike the abortion funding from the bill. However, Speaker Pelosi won't allow it. Instead, they have inserted a fake "compromise" to allow the government to fund abortion through private contractors, but this would still be GOVERNMENT funding of abortion (Medicare also uses private contractors to process fees and no one would call Medicare "private" funding.) Speaker Pelosi will not allow a vote on a true amendment that would stop funding of abortion so you need to ask your Representative today to oppose the Rule that prevents a vote on the Stupak-Pitts amendment. And if that Rule passes they need to oppose final passage of the bill.
Phyllis Schlafly, President, Eagle Forum: Less than 24 hours remain for Members of Congress to do the right thing and listen to their constituents who have passionately risen up to oppose this 2,000-page pile of junk policy which Nancy Pelosi is masquerading as health care reform. This bill is stealth amnesty for illegal immigrants and abortion on demand rolled into one. H.R. 3962 is the feminists’ dream bill because it provides for the largest expansion of government sanctioned abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973. It’s unprecedented. It would for the very first time allow direct government funding of elective abortions. Pelosi’s bill has done nothing to close those pesky loopholes that existed in the Democrats’ first health care bill. It still allows illegal immigrants open access to the Insurance Exchange, it still provides no reliable verification mechanism, and it still allows that even if only one person qualifies for the family affordability credit, then the entire family is eligible for the pickings.
Tags: 72 Hour, AFP, American Solutions, Americans for Prosperity, CAGW, Impeach Nancy Pelosi, nationalized health care, Newt Gingrich, political cartoon, US House, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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