Breaking News
Monday, December 28, 2009

Info Post
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: Luck Prevents Airline Disaster  - God must have been looking after America and prevented a terrorist attack on Christmas Day because the Obama Administration clearly wasn’t. Muslim Jihadist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who bought his airline ticket with cash and had no luggage, was able to bring a chemical bomb on a U.S. aircraft flying to Detroit. He did so even though his father, a prominent wealthy Nigerian, had warned the U.S. months ago that his son was a threat to the U.S.

I watched airport security people putting 70-year-old Americans in wheelchairs through elaborate pat-downs in the Atlanta airport this weekend in reaction to the near catastrophe on Christmas Day. Perhaps we should waste less time checking senior citizens and more time looking carefully at young Muslim men whose parents try to turn them in as Al Qaeda sympathizers.

Abdulmutallab, apparently rejecting President Obama’s repeated contention that Islam is a religion of peace, became more war-like as he became more devout in his Muslim faith. This is not a unique pattern, nor will Abdulmutallab be the last of his breed. Multiple sources are reporting this morning that dozens of his “clones” are being trained in Yemen right now to launch 9/11-style attacks on U.S. aircraft.

Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano went on the Sunday talk shows and caused a media firestorm when she claimed that the system had worked perfectly. “Everything happened that should have,” she said. But of course it didn’t work at all. The only reason we did not suffer another blow is that his detonator didn’t work properly and brave passengers decided to defend themselves rather than rely on our sleep walking government. This morning, Napolitano made a hasty retreat on her claims. Here’s an idea – fire her now and fire anyone else who did not do his or her job.

Abdulmutallab was arraigned in a Detroit court yesterday. We learned the poor fellow suffered some third degree burns in his botched effort to slaughter hundreds of innocent people. He is currently getting first class health care (lucky for him Obamacare is not law yet) and may need a skin graft before he stands trial. I say he should have already been turned over to the U.S. military for the most intense interrogation this administration and its ACLU allies will permit. We need to know who trained him, how he met them, where he got the chemicals, where the training facilities are located and what he does or does not know about other plots.

“O,” who is vacationing in Hawaii, has not spoken on the incident, but we are assured that he is on top of the situation. Feel better? Here’s a closing thought. What if, God forbid, this jihadist thug had succeeded and blew up the plane? Why do I suspect that this administration’s first response would be to assure the public that it had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism?

Another Obama Lie - Remember when President Obama addressed Congress and claimed that his healthcare reform would not provide taxpayer money for abortions? He was adamant about it. He suggested that anyone saying otherwise was intentionally misleading the public.   Fast forward to today. The Senate has passed a healthcare bill that funds abortions. The House has passed a healthcare bill that bans abortion funding. Guess which one of the two Obama wants to prevail? According to ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told him Obama wants the pro-abortion Senate bill!
Tags: abortion, Barack Obama, Campaign for Working Families, Gary Bauer, terrorist attack To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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