Bill Smith, Editor: Democrat Majority Lead By Harry Reid Is Planning 1:00AM Monday Vote On A 2,000 Page Health Care Bill That They Say Will Be Released Less Than 40 Hours Before. What happened to the promised 72 hrs to read the bill. Now There Will Be No Details On A Manager’s Amendment “Until Saturday Morning,” Which Will Then Be Voted On Monday At 1 A.M. That Could Come On Christmas Eve. Once Cloture Is Passed, Reid's Democrats Will Ram Through Government Healthcare With A Simple Majority Vote.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Key Vote IS The Cloture Vote At 1 A.M., Not the Vote The Later Votes
Back on November 8, 2009, Dr. Adam Murdock, M.D. in an article titled "The End of America happens in the middle of the night" reflected: "While normal everyday oblivious Americans were preparing their beds to sleep Saturday night their elected officials quietly passed H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Indeed, the passage of this act deals one of the final death blows to the Constitution and with it our liberties. As I ponder upon this momentously horrid occurrence it is as if I have just woken up from a nightmare and been thrown directly into the plot of George Orwell’s 1984."
Again, we see the movement of evil to act in the middle of the night. All of our Senators should be ashamed of themselves. And this issue being forced by the Democrats over the will of the majority of the people demonstrates that the Republic is about to be sold out by their actions. While they may seek God's forgiveness for their deceitful actions to enslave Americans via actions behind closed doors and votes in the dark of night on unread bills, I have no forgiveness to offer them. They have held themselves above the Constitution that they swore to defend even against their own actions and those of their fellow elected officials. I do not pity their failure; but I do join with the majority of Americans in desiring their removal from office.
Comments by John Adams MMIV: Across the country, many Americans are surely curious as to why the Senate is in marathon sessions at Christmastime debating the health care bill. Democrats and others are eager to blame it on GOP “obstructionism,” but make no mistake, this is a course Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has chosen purposefully.
Reid is determined to jam his unpopular health care reform bill through the Senate while no one is watching, with votes in the dead of night, over the weekend, and days before Christmas. At a press conference this morning, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell elaborated, “As we have pointed out repeatedly, this massive piece of legislation that seeks to restructure one-sixth of our economy is being written behind closed doors without input from anyone in an effort to jam it past not only the Senate but the American people before Christmas. . . . Every single American will be affected by this, and no one would have had an opportunity to read it and to understand it.”
This is precisely why Senate Republicans, on behalf of the American people, will continue to prevent Democrats from jamming this bill through sight unseen. Sen. McConnell, acting in concert with a unified Republican conference, is using the tools available to him to slow the Democrats’ headlong rush to pass something. Among those has been forcing the reading of the 767 page Sanders amendment on Wednesday, voting to spend as much time on the Defense appropriations bill as possible, and forcing Democrats to spend the time called for under Senate rules to consider legislation.
The more time that the American people have to see what Democrats have already produced, the more they dislike it. Week after week, polls show that Americans oppose this approach to health care reform. The core of the bill we already have is over 2,000 pages in length, spends $2.5 trillion when it is fully implemented, includes half a trillion dollars in Medicare cuts, raises taxes on middle-class Americans, and does not control health care costs. No one has suggested that the new bill being written behind closed doors will change any of this. That may be why a number of Democrats are still undecided on supporting cloture on the health care bill. [Sam Adams MMIV is a pen name for an un-named beltway source.]
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Reid Seeks to Push Healthcare Bill Trough in The Dead of Night - Evilness Reigns in Washington D.C.
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