H/T Michelle Malkin by Gary Bauer: Thousands of union protestors who have occupied the Wisconsin Capitol found a new ally yesterday -- the ...
Time to Put the REINS on EPA?
by Marlo Lewis : EPA’s end-run around democracy is just the most egregious example of a more pervasive disorder. Regulation without repres...
Arkansas Online Checkbook Bill
AFP Arkansas : Arkansas Lt. Governor Mark Darr on Transparency via the Arkansas Online Checkbook bill. Note that the Department of Educatio...
Are Some Dems Finally Ready For Spending Cuts in Continuing Resolution?
Rasmussen Reports Today in Washington, D.C. - Feb. 28, 2011: Congress reconvened today. Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) will then be recognized...
Arkansas House Commentary - Feb 27, 2011: AR Legislature - Deadline to file bills: Monday, March 7
Justin Harris By Rep. Justin Harris : House members began an eventful week on President's Day and recognized the day as Daisy Gatson Bat...
Democracy Denied: The Obama Chart (www.ObamaChart.com)
The below chart shows how it has become standard procedure in the Obama administration not to take no for an answer. When Obama's radic...
Mr. Harris Goes to Little Rock
By Mike Landry, Contributing Author: Justin Harris is a nice guy. A freshman Arkansas state representative, Justin is unassuming, speaks r...
Former OMB Director Addresses Government Spending, Economy & Jobs
Sen. Robert Portman (R-OH) Former OMB Director GOP Weekly Address : In the Weekly Republican Address, Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio and former B...
UNION SUPERPOWER! Featuring "Wisconsin Vern"
Steven Crowder Steven Crowder addresses unions thuggery in the following video : Tags: Wisconsin, WI, Teachers, Union, union thuggery, Stev...
Gov. Scott Walker in his fight with Union Mobs
Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama (TEA Party Express) has launched a new ad being shown next week across Wisconsin supporting Gov. Scott Walk...
Arkansas Lt. Gov. Mark Darr Meets Up With Ronald Reagan
AR Lt Gov Mark Darr with Bust of Ronald Reagan Arkansas Lt. Governor Mark A. Darr received the "2011 Arkansas Defending the American D...
Barack And a Hard Place - How Much Disdain for Americans Will Obama Show?
Wow, bought gas today for 23 cents per gallon more than priced two days ago. When is the President of the United States going 1) to release...
Is As Little As $4 Billion In Cuts Too Much for Status Quo Senate Democrats?
The New York Times reports today, “House Republicans told Senate Democrats on Wednesday that they would agree to a temporary spending bill ...
Herman Cain Rallies Arkansas Conservative Activists
Herman Cain speaking at Arkansas Americans for Prosperity Defending the American Dream Summit: Below are some of the comments shared about H...
Wisconsin Teacher's Unions Act Like Third Graders
by William Warren : Today’s cartoon focuses on the Wisconsin ( and now also Indiana ) Democrats and the Teachers Unions…two groups that are ...
Breaking News: Obama Paves Way For Same-Sex "Marriage"
WASHINGTON (AP) – In a major policy reversal, the Obama administration said Wednesday that it will no longer defend the constitutionality ...
2009 Government Report Shows Crude Oil & Gas Prices Didn't Have Soar
The Associated Press reports that oil prices have reached a two-year high. As of our posting, the following article, the price of oil is hov...
Special election gives GOP complete control of Louisiana state government
With the takeover in Louisiana, Democrats have only two bastions remaining in the South -- Arkansas and Mississippi. The latter holds its st...
Reid Pushes CR Bill With No Spending Cuts; CBO: Would Increase Deficit Another $200 Billion
Harry Reid: Tuggery Personified Today in Washington, D.C. - Feb. 23, 2011: Both house of Congress in recess until next Monday, Feb 27th. B...
Last Call: Don't Miss The 2012 Arkansas Defending the American Dream Summit
Bill Smith, Editor: Sometimes repetition is the best reminder! While this is the "Last Call" for this event on this site, it ...
$535 Million To Solar Panel Company That Cut Jobs - Some Senate Dems Want to Cut Spending - Sens. Reid and Schumer Say No
Today in Washington, D.C. - Feb. 22, 2011: The Senate and House are in recess Feb. 28 th . When the Senate returns, the chamber is expected...
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair To Visit Arkansas
JONESBORO, Ark. – House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman John Mica will hold a listening session in Jonesboro, Ark. with a cross...
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Using Obama Quotes
by William Warren : Today’s cartoon is about the Wisconsin Union debacle. This toon shows the hypocrisy of Obama and the Left when it comes...
Democrats, Progressives and Leftists Will Lie if it Suits their Agenda
The truth of the title of this post extends beyond Wisconsin. This process of lying extends to other states including leftest bloggers maki...