Bill Smith, Ozark Guru: Today is Presidents Day. Unfortunately, I cannot in all honesty praise or approve of all the men whom have been called President of the United States. Yes, all were mere mortals. However, some tried to elevate themselves higher just being a citizen in service to their fellow citizens. Others overstepped the constraints of the Constitution and even good judgment.
Many could be considered average (mediocre). Some were scalawags. Unfortunately, some are not only ranked at the bottom of a comparative performance list for president, they also managed to scrap the bottom of the barrel. These individuals acted openly or deceptively to reduce our Republic's image in the World, have supported or promoted actions that have led to the transfer of America's wealth to other nations or transnational organizations, have subjugated American interests below that of other nations, and have allowed American citizens to be put under the control of foreign governments or an "international" organization occupied with enemies of America. Unfortunately, in less than two years, the incumbent president through his decisions and actions has managed to accomplish more to facilitate the end of Republic via massive transfers of present and future wealth to other countries than all former presidents combined.
While many presidents were confronted by wars, by rumors of wars, by the wrath of nature and by the advances of technology, some unfortunately accepted or promoted accommodations that were not in the best interests of the Republic. Even Lincoln stepped across Constitutional lines in his zeal to preserve the union. Jackson violated citizen rights even when confronted by the Supreme Court. The list is too long for all "accommodations" to be listed.
Unfortunately, since the advent of Television, many presidents have been elevated with the aid of glitz and rhetoric rather than character and principles. The result has in some cases been morally weak presidents followed by scandals that also hurt America's image. The actions of these presidents have contributed to lowering the expected morals and character for future presidents. Also, some of our esteemed presidents have managed to bow metaphysically or even physical to other countries which have lowered the image of the U.S. Presidency globally and the respect for America. The result has been an increase in risks to America and Americans.
Base on aforementioned, it would be good for us to recall why this holiday was established. Before being known as Presidents Day - a day on which even the worst of presidents can be grouped together with those whom served their country well - the third Monday of February was designated as Washington's Birthday (and an excuse to let federal workers off with pay). Actually, Washington was born on Feb 22nd (which is tomorrow). It became commonly known as Presidents Day (not the legal Federal designated name) as a result of commercial advertising and eventually the angst of State workers, banks, schools and others who wanted another day off with pay.
Several states have officially designated the day Presidents Day. As a result, a man who set the bar high for those that followed - a man worthy of remembrance above most presidents - is relegated to being just one of the guys. Tomorrow, we will give tribute to President George Washington on his real birthday. As for today, with our looming federal, state and local debts, we recall that this is another paid holiday for all government and school employees - how nice! More debt and no work!
Dr. Bill Smith is the editor of the ARRA News Service, Conservative Voices, Blogs for Borders and writes for many other sites and blogs. He is a conservative new media activist, a retired military officer, a retired graduate professor and makes his home in the Arkansas Ozarks.
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Presidents Day - More Debt and No Work
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