by William Warren: This cartoon is about Oil…and how Obama is dismantling our Domestic Energy Production while the price of Foreign Oil Skyrockets. Completely nonsensical…but then again, this IS Obama, afterall.
For those who don’t follow the spot market on oil, that is more than double the current price for a barrel of oil, and is likely to lead to gasoline prices doubling from their already near historic highs. . . . [I]t is estimated that sustained oil prices of as low as $150 a barrel could plunge the economy back into recession.
It doesn’t take an Old Testament prophet to predict that when gas prices are running in the $5-$6 a gallon range in 2012, that the standard liberal tactic to attack oil companies will be all the rage on CNN and MSNBC. While the Middle East turmoil may have been unavoidable, the Obama Administration’s mind numbing opposition to allow the development our own domestic national resources is either the height of incompetence or borders on treason for its deliberate impact of weakening the American economy.
Any rational government would immediately open up as many sources as possible to begin producing domestic oil and gas rapidly. Instead, the Administration has declared the Eastern Seaboard off limits for drilling, has moved against proven oil drilling sites in the Arctic Sea, refuses to consider opening Alaska’s ANWR, and is dawdling in re-opening drilling in the Gulf.
Nero had nothing on Obama when it comes to partying while his nation is in crisis. Of course, environmentalists are actively rooting for this economy choking development . . .
So even though the Bakken Oil Field in Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan, Canada looks to rival the Saudi oil fields, environmentalist strangleholds on production of other domestic fields has put the U.S. economy at the mercy of Islamist extremist revolutions in the Middle East. The only questions that remain are whether the Obama Administration is incompetent or willfully negligent, and whether the American public will finally declare an end to this “green” madness that is directly responsible for what I fear is the final American economic death spiral. [Full Story]
Tags: Domestic Energy, Foreign Oil, Barack Obama, Obama, Muammar al-Gaddafi, Gaddafi, Obama, Oil, OIl Prices, Political Cartoons, Price of Oil, U.S. Oil Production, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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