With the United States engaged in a debate over debt, the common consensus among Americans is that spending needs to be reduced. A recent ...
Republicans, Democrats & President Reach Agreement On Raising Debt Ceiling
News and wire services are reporting that Republicans and Democrats in Congress have reached agreement with President Barack Obama to raise ...
Washington Spending 101: How to Stop the Explosion of Debt
Republican Study Committee :As President Reagan said, "Only a constitutional amendment will do the job. We've tried the carrot, and...
Where's Obama's Plan?
Video Source : Where is President Obama's plan for cutting spending, balncing the budget and raising the debt ceiling. We haven't r...
Anti-Private Business Bureau
The below letter to the editor is by Robert "Bob" McDowell, Jr. He is a Professional Engineer and Geologist with over 50 year...
A One Horned Maverick McCain
McCainiacisms: “Democrats would have no choice but to pass a balanced budget amendment and reform entitlements and the Tea Party Hobbits co...
The House And Senate Deficit Ceiling Plans
Update 8:40 pm: House, Senate Democrats on Friday night tabled, 59-41, House Speaker John Boehner's bill to raise the debt limit. ...
Democrats Stall Their Own Debt Bill
Earlier Today Democrats Said ‘Too Much Is At Stake To Waste Even One More Minute,’ Yet They Refuse To Vote Tonight> DEMS ADMIT: ‘We Are R...
College Students Travel to DC: Delivers Letter to Senator Pryor
Today, members of the Executive Committee of the Arkansas Federation of College Republicans hand-delivered a letter to the office of Democr...
Do We Want Obama To Win?
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : Here we go again. Republicans and conservatives in the last 48 hours have formed the battle formation they...
Chillin’ At The Polls
by A.F. Branco : Tags: A.F. Branco, political cartoon, Debt ceiling, Debt Crisis, Debt Default, debt limit, Obama budget plan, Obama Spendi...
Dems look to Make Obama's Reelection Campaign Easier
By William Warren Ending the Day in Washington, D.C - July 28, 2011: Today the Senate resumed consideration of S. 1323, the vehicle for Sen...
Sessions: Reid’s Accounting Hoax And Dem Leaders’ Budget Law Defiance Has Brought Us To 11th Hour
ARRA Editor: What a difference between the words of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) attacking the TEA Party, must be listening to much to his RINO...
Writing His Debt Default Speech
A.F. Branco Obama has demonstrated he is concerned about only two things: 1) the 2012 election, and 2) not-compromising with the Republica...
ARRA News Service Attacked By A Virus
Bill Smith, Editor : Late last night, I was performing an edit review of links suggested to readers. The links are to conservative blogger...
90 Seconds to National Debt Crisis
The NRCC : Tags: Barack Obama, debt, debt ceiling To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to ...
Balance the Budget: Now is the Time
Tina Korbe, Hot Air said: When “Cut, Cap and Balance” failed the Senate and both chambers of Congress regrouped around new plans, the firs...
Would The President Really "Veto The Nation Into Default
Today in Washington, D.C. - July 27, 2011: The Senate confirmed Gary Locke as ambassador to China by unanimous consent. The Senate then re...
Fact Checking Obama Using Reagan In Debt Ceiling Debate
Figures don't lie but liars figure! ~ Mark Twain When a small man can't do the job, he seeks to hide behind a big man! ~ Ozark Guru ...
House Speaker Delays Debt Vote; Looking For More Spending Cuts
Evening Update - July 26, 2011: According to the Washington Post, the White House continues to threaten today to veto any legislation pendi...
The Long and Short of the Deficit Crisis & Opinions of the Muni Market
Bill Smith, Editor: This article was reprinted with permission of Galvin Murphy, Editor-In-Chief, of The Bond Buyer . The original artic...
Boozman Supports Prioritizing Social Security and Military Pay
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) helped unveil bicameral legislation that requires the U.S. Treasury Secretary to prioritize in...
The Wrench In the Plans - Obama!
by William Warren Today In Washington, D.C. - July 26, 2011: Senate will vote on the nomination of Paul A. Engelmayer to be United States Di...