Bill Smith, Editor: We have marveled at the growth in the readership of the ARRA News Service. We began five years ago in July, 2006 and will share more about our beginnings on the anniversary post later this month.
We began as a "news letter" blog for the Arkansas Republican. In less than a year, we had to expand our focus to address the growing readership out side of Arkansas. Eventually, we renamed the blog the ARRA News Service and launched a new logo.
With our readership via subscriptions feeds, cross-posting of articles, social networking is in the hundreds of thousands, and based on comments and conversations and seeking the opinion of others, today we launched a "new image" on our logo.
Our message and reported content remains the same. We will still be share news and opinions for social, fiscal and national security conservatives who believe in God, family and the USA. We will continue to uphold the rights granted by God and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, traditional family values, "republican" principles / ideals, transparent and limited government, free markets, liberty and individual freedom.
While the positions reported on this site are varied, our beliefs and principles remain fixed. We will speak out not only against those advancing positions we do not value, but we will also hold accountable those claiming to have our values and beliefs. All content approval continues to rest with the Editor.
In discussions at recent national events, I noted while many agreed with our content, belief’s and principles, they were figuratively "slapped in the face" with our image. Many were tired of all political parties. We already actively support numerous non-partisan groups outside of the established political parties such as the TEA parties, Patriot groups, etc. We value our country and believe that our beliefs and principles are those that make for a best America. We also wish to expand the outreach of the ARRA News Service as a valuable source of information, opinions, and positions to members of conservative coalitions and groups and even for "independent" readers.
Today, we replaced the "red elephant" image on our logo which remains the image used by our sponsoring agency, the Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA). We continue to be a conversational voice of our sponsoring organization. However, we are seeking to expand our outreach to more readers and the number of those browsing our site by using an image that does not turn away people from reading our content. As Dr. Pat Briney, AARA President, expressed last year, "I'd like to work on putting together a coalition of conservative groups in Arkansas for the purpose of building a coordinated, cooperative effort to advance conservatism . . ." We support this effort and the building of the national conservative voice of people. Studies have shown that most U.S. Citizens are conservative in their lives.
Our name - ARRA News Service - and our content remains the same. But, the new logo now has a "patriotic" soaring eagle.
We considered various images in the public domain. We chose not to use the images already used by various conservative groups to promote their efforts. We also opted not to use any images of eagles that are often associated with or represent government.
Instead we settled on revising our logo to add an image that reflects hope verses the hopelessness offered by the present administration. Hope for the return of sanity to America. Hope for the return of less burdensome government, less big spending, and less personal intrusion by government. Hope for the return to the principles of individual liberty and rights as well as personal responsibility that made our country great. Again our beliefs and principles remain fixed.
Tags: Bill Smith, editor, ARRA News Service, new logo, image To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
ARRA News Service Has New Image On Its Logo
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