Honorable Senator Mark Pryor
20510 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Pryor,
As you are well aware the national debt is well over a staggering fourteen trillion dollars, with an excess of five trillion dollars owed in interest. Arkansas’ unemployment rate, currently at 8.1%, is steadily on the rise. This paints a very troubling picture for college students and other young Arkansans. This means that after working hard to put ourselves through college, the chances of finding gainful and meaningful employment is grim, at best.
The cost of President Obama’s out of control spending spree is on our generations tab. For the rest of our lives my peers and I will pay for the failed economic policies of the current administration. But, why?
Mr. Senator, I was raised by Arkansan values. Those values taught me that it was never the wrong time to do the right thing. But, I’m afraid that you do not hold dear to the same Arkansan values that I and the rest of the people of Arkansas do. Otherwise, you would have already stood against to the irresponsible Obama agenda, or, perhaps, you would of lead a budget proposal in the Senate, something that has not happened in over 800 days.
Mr. Senator, my generation is being robbed of the same freedoms and liberties that you once enjoyed, yet you continue to remain silent. You have abandoned the next generation all for the sake of your own political future. What a disappointment to the people of Arkansas that entrusted you to represent them and their values but neglect to do so.
As aforementioned, it is never the wrong time to do the right thing. With that said, Senator Pryor, I, on behalf of the Arkansas Federation of College Republicans, the voice of Arkansas’ young conservatives, call on you to actually lead. You as an elected official have a job to do, to lead our country through these challenging times. So stand up, raise your voice and do the right thing – fight for the next generation.
Skot D. Covert, Chairman
Arkansas Federation of College Republicans
Tags: U.S. Senator, Mark Pryor, Arkansas College Republicans, Skot D. Covert, Chairman To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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