The Fairy Tale Obama Express Toon by William Warren |
Nothing approaching reality could explain the litany of inconsistent, unimaginable policies and statements coming from this President. Unless, of course, it is a deliberate willingness to deceive the American people and outright lie to gain a political advantage. By diverting attention from the worst economy since the Great Depression and apparently the most inept leadership in modern times, he hopes to have four more years to complete the installation of his radical Marxist agenda.
If this President lived in the real world or had any honest intentions for the nation, he should spend the next year explaining his first three years of bizarre behavior. Routinely, he bypasses Congress and rules this country by executive order, then delegates this usurped power to government bureaucrats. One must wonder; is he truly as inept as he appears or is it part of his long-range planning to collapse the system and place himself in a position to wield powers that are even more dictatorial?
Consider the following synopsis of his reign:
The job killing, economic stifling, national healthcare plan that Obama forced upon the American people with the brazen lie that over 40 million more people will receive healthcare at fewer costs without rationing services. Additionally, he made the outlandish claims that illegal aliens and abortion would be exempt from coverage under the plan when he knew that courts had already adjudicated these issues.
The entirety of his energy policy consists of corrupt schemes to pour billions of dollars into his political donors’ solar panel businesses. Taxpayers watch hopelessly as their “investments” evaporate as quickly as sincerity from Obama’s promise.
Energy independence from the Mideast is his claim; yet, he stops virtually all domestic oil exploration, uses the EPA to declare war on coal, and admits he wants electricity costs to “skyrocket.” He compounds this idiocy by preventing the Canadian oil pipeline. As the United States grows more dependent on foreign oil and American jobs continue marching overseas, the President reads us more “fairy tales.”
Illegal immigration is another job killing, security-threatening problem in this country on which this President is still missing in action. In another power-grab from Congress and subversion of American will, he dictated a virtual amnesty to all illegal aliens after declaring all-out war on any state that dared to take any action of self-preservation. Obama courts tens of millions of prospective new voters while his policies pit 14 million unemployed and 8.8 million underemployed Americans against an estimated 13 to 20 million illegal aliens.
Obama lays claim to the title of “champion of the middle class.” Meanwhile, his new middle class is dependent upon food stamps, unemployment benefits, welfare, and hundreds of other government programs just to survive his reign of economic terror. His skewed outlook on this country reasons that those who are not part of the 12 % union workforce or engaged as government employees are not bona fide working Americans and are, therefore, unworthy of any consideration.
In a country founded upon principles of free enterprise and of the people’s right to pursue wealth and prosperity, the Leftist-in-Chief goes about his daily indoctrination tours promoting class warfare. He feels an overpowering compulsion to change the greatest system in the world to one that pulls everyone but the ruling class down to the lowest common denominator.
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. He rightly scolded Bush for his debt as “unpatriotic.” The debt is now over 15.1 trillion dollars. In less than three years, he has increased the debt more than 42%.
He surrounded himself with admitted revolutionaries, Marxists, communists, Maoists, and socialists, then injected his Marxist poison into the bloodstream of a nation. Incessantly pointing an accusatory finger at others for the national ill-health that ensued goes beyond any concept of reason and common sense.
He justifies using his handpicked National Labor Relations Board to hammer Boeing Aircraft for building a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina. Imagine a company having the audacity to create real jobs in South Carolina at a non-union plant in a right to work state.
He travels the globe apologizing for America and poking friends in the eye with his undiplomatic stick. Compounding his naïve worldview fiascos, he assuages world rogues and bitter enemies with warm embraces of appeasement.
Every week that Obama remains in office, our Military falls further into financial weakness. He made clear that he would veto any attempt by Congress to block the automatic cuts to the military. (Sequester on Defense.) This, after his own Defense Secretary said if the automatic cuts go into effect, it would devastate the Military.
Always missing in action during any budget process or deficit reduction, he spends his time campaigning and giving away more money to his political cronies. Ruling by executive tyranny, bypassing Congress and creating issues on which to run, he initiates and implements his ruinous policies, then runs from them when he hits the campaign circuit.
Barack Obama is like the wise guy who starts a barroom quarrel, then cowardly disappears out the back door when the fists and chairs start flying. In his case, he avoids responsibility for the messes he creates by ducking into the back-allies of politics, and uses the safety of the Presidency as a political sniper’s perch to launch campaign attacks and rhetoric.
Weapons of this President are powerful and the shields that protect him from criticism and accountability virtually unlimited. Sycophantic, groveling media and race-hustling Democrats circle the ranks to provide a ring of protection. Unfortunately, the American people have no protection for the excesses and edicts of a man who wants to “fundamentally change this country” into a socialist-Marxist state.
The prevailing notion of liberalism is that if you succeed in life’s endeavors you deserve to be a target of despots. To which Obama adds, “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” He is the self-anointed instrument of big government’s use of taxation and regulation to punish success. He screams to the heavens the outrageous and false claim that he has lowered taxes on Americans, not raised them. Then, in the next speech, he bellows for trillions more in taxes.
Job creation for this president amounts to a mantra permanently programmed into his Teleprompter. However, every socialist policy he advocates and dictates destroys American jobs. His class warfare, tax the rich ideology fuses with his other leftist ideas to form the perfect storm of deepening economic disaster. Neither he nor the Democratic Party has put forth a budget; they have no “jobs” programs – they simply scream for trillions of dollars in tax increases on the real job creators to feed their greedy, Democratic base.
He talks in lofty, high-toned liberal-speak. His manner is most arrogant, and his prevarications come as easily as his disarming smile. Envious praise will abound from con-men everywhere, but every jaw-dropping performance will leave you clutching your wallet and gasping for the fresh air of liberty. Watch for “The Excuse and Blame President,” starring Barack Hussein Obama, coming soon to a political rally near you.
Jim Mullen is a Republican conservative activist and writer in Parkersburg, West Virginia. He also writes for the Parkersburg Conservative Examiner and his personal site, Freedom For Us Now.
Tags: Barack Obama, Book of Fair Tales, excuses, blame game, Jim Mullen, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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