by AF Branco : President Obama decided to trust in the number 13 when awarding Medals of Freedom to a unique composite of people dead and al...
2012: Good Money And Jobs vs. Easy Money And Stagnation
Ralph Benko by Ralph Benko, Contributing Author : The 2012 presidential election is shaping up to include an argument over opportunity vers...
“Hating Breitbart” To Be Premiered At RightOnline
Americans For Prosperity To Premier EXCLUSIVE Sneak Preview Of “Hating Breitbart” Friday Night, June 15 At 2012 RightOnline In Las Vegas, NV...
McConnell & George Will Defend 1st Amdt. And Citizens United Ruling
Click Image for More Info & Video Today in Washington, D.C. - May 31, 2012 The Senate reconvened at noon today for a pro-forma session ...
Swindling Veterans - The Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans - Waiting and Waiting They may have to wait longer when money for their assistance has been stolen. Dr. Bill Smith, 22 Year vetera...
Senate Democrats Don't Recall Obama's "To-Do" List
Today in Washington, D.C. - May 30, 2012 Correction: The Senate remains in recess. The house is in session. In addition to various commi...
Romney Wins Texas But Senate GOP Race Headed To A Run-Off
Mitt Romney Wins Enough Delegates To Secure the Republican Nomination Pix by Bill Smith Today, Mitt Romney won the "Big Dog" Texas...
War on Capitalism
A.F. "Tony" Branco : Tags: Obama's campaign, plan, growing the economy, the economy, attack capitalism, War on Capitalism, Ba...
Democrat Leader Bolts Over Marriage
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : Jo Ann Nardelli became a Republican last week, and made headlines in the process. Nardelli wasn't jus...
Media Notes Obama's Claims On Spending Growth: "Imaginary History," "Contrary To Widespread Belief""
Drunken Sailor's Sobering comment, "Just a minute, unlike the Obama, I spend my own - not your - money. I quit when I run-out of ...
Sex-Selective Abortion Thrives in America
On Greater Fitchburg for Life : BREAKING: Planned Parenthood busted in new undercover sting on sex selective abortions Bill Smith, Editor: ...
Memorial Day 2012
ARRA News Service: Remembering Our Veterans and Active Duty Military Bill Smith, Editor : As a veteran and a son of veterans, I have share...
Liberals Plan Propaganda Campaign After Obamacare Ruling
Liberals aren’t the only ones with plans to mark the anniversary and oral arguments. Americans for Prosperity will hold a Hands Off My Hea...
Backwell On Religous Liberty
The following remarks we made by the Honorable Ken Blackwell To the American Religious Freedom Program Conference. By Ken Blackwell, Contrib...
Memorial Day Challenge: Ryan's Story
Bill Smith, Editor: As a 22 year veteran, I would appreciate it if you would take a moment this weekend to say thanks to all those who fou...
Obama's Memorial Day Shout Out
A.F. "Tony" Branco : A.F. "Tony" Branco is a contributing cartoonist to the ARRA News Service. Anyone looking to hire an...
Obama Should Blame Himself, Not The Supreme Court
Toon by William Warren (2010) Phil Kerpen, Contributing Author : Sometime in the next month, the United States Supreme Court will rule on t...
Green Energy Waste on the Taxpayer Dime
AFP - Arkansas : $550,000 in Federal stimulus funds was used to furnish a new State government office building in Little Rock, Arkansas wit...
Obama's Spotless Record
by William Warren : Tags: spotless record, no good record, Barack Obama, solid record, Mitt Romney, political satire, William Warren To sh...
Crawford: “All Of The Above” Energy Approach Needed
Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR-01): At home in Arkansas this week I met with hundreds of people to talk about the need for developing a nation...