No Budget Has Ever Received Fewer Votes Than President Obama’s
Zero Senators Vote To Support The President’s Budget
TODAY: Senate Dems Unanimously Rejected (99-0) President Obama’s FY’2013 Budget. (S.Con.Res.41, Roll Call Vote #97, Motion To Proceed Rejected 0-99, 5/16/12)
MARCH 2012: House Unanimously Defeated The President’s FY’2013 Budget.
(H.Con.Res.112, Roll Call Vote #143, Rejected 0-414: R 0-329; D 0-175, 3/28/12)
LAST YEAR: Senate Dems Unanimously Rejected President Obama’s FY’2012 Budget. (H.Con.Res.34, Roll Call Vote #77, Motion To Proceed Rejected 40-57: R 40-4; D 0-51, I 0-2, 5/25/11)
USA TODAY: “Obama's budget plan leaves debt bomb ticking… The best test of a budget proposal these days is whether it reins in the national debt… The election-year budget President Obama sent to Congress on Monday fails that test.” (Editorial, “Obama's Budget Plan Leaves Debt Bomb Ticking,” USA Today, 2/14/12)
THE WASHINGTON POST: “…Mr. Obama’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2013 falls short. At the end of the 10-year budget window, he would have the national debt at a disturbing 76.5 percent of gross domestic product… The final budget of his first term does not reflect the leadership on issues of debt and deficit that Mr. Obama once vowed.” (Editorial, “Obama’s Budget Falls Short, But It Beats Many Alternatives,” The Washington Post, 2/14/12)
THE DETROIT NEWS: “President Barack Obama's 2013 budget proposal should be dismissed as a blueprint for his re-election campaign. But it's worse than that. If passed as presented — and there's little likelihood of that — the spending plan would lock America on an auto-pilot course for Greece.” (Editorial, “Obama Budget Shirks Off Any Pretense To Fiscal Responsibility,” The Detroit News, 2/14/12)
LOS ANGELES TIMES: “…President Obama released a budget proposal for the coming fiscal year that offers no real solution to the United States’ long-term fiscal problems.” (Editorial, “What About The U.S. Debt?,” Los Angeles Times, 2/14/12)
BLOOMBERG: Budget ‘a wasted opportunity.’ “Do as I say, not as I do. That was the unwelcome message in President Barack Obama’s federal budget for 2013.” (Editorial, “Obama Misses Opportunity To Tackle Tax Reform In $3.8 Billion Budget: View,” Bloomberg, 2/14/12)
THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: “Monday's document, in truth, is a campaign playbook — the vision of government that Obama hopes voters will reward with a second presidential term.” (Editorial, “Athens On The Potomac,” The Chicago Tribune, 2/14/12)
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