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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Info Post

Friday, Deneen Borelli spoke at FreedomWorks for America's - FreePac rally held before the Glenn Beck Restoring Love rally.

Selected Quotes from Deneen Borelli's Speech:
~ My friends, we are here to restore liberty.  I didn't say we are her to "fundamentally transform Amrica."  We are here to restore liberty and to save our country.

~ To save our country from President Obama and his failed policies.

~ The crushing debt, the spending , the regulations, unemployment - 8.2%; 14.4% in the black community; over 39% among black youth.  He is failing our country.

~ Americans, my patriots, America is an exceptional country.  Where any one can succeed ... by hardwork and perserverance.

~ In case you were wondering, unlike Michelle Obama, I have always been proud of my country!

~ And, that is why I wrote BlackLash: How Obama and the left are driving Americans to the Government plantation.

~ It is up to We The People to hold the line for liberty; stand the line for liberty; play your role and hold the line for liberty.

~ President Obama is desperate now; he is desperate playing class warfare.

~ And No!  No the government is not responsible for my success.

~I am challenging the liberal establishment.  You know who they are: President Obama, Eric Holder, Maxine Walters, Charlie Rangel.  Look at what they have done to the black community:
- deplorable public schools - black on black crimes - where were their voices when the New Black Panther Party members were screaming blood shed and revolution in the streets, Where were their voices.

~ And speaking of Eric Holder playing the race card with Voter ID laws, a disgrace, he is a disgrace.  Remember when he called Americans cowards.  Well where are the documents for "Fast and Furious/"  Who is the coward?

~   Our country does not guarantee your success, but Liberty guarantees you the opportunity to succeed.

~If you are citizen spectator, you need to step up your game.
Deneen Borelli is a member of Project 21, a network of black conservatives which is an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research, a national public policy group based in Washington, D.C. In addition, Deneen is a contributor on the Fox News Channel programs and has appeared on FNC programs such as "Glenn Beck," "The O'Reilly Factor," "Your World with Neil Cavuto," "Hannity" and "Fox and Friends." Deneen has also appeared on MSNBC, CNN, the BBC and C-SPAN. Deneen is also a columnist with The Daily Caller, and her commentaries on the importance of freedom and limited government have been published by numerous newspapers and blogs. She is also the author of BlackLash

Tags: Deneen Brelli, speech, freedom, liberty, Americans, FreePAC, Tea Party, 2012 Election To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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