Breaking News
Monday, February 16, 2009

Info Post
Received this from one of our insightful readers.
The stimulus Bill is now Only $ 787,000,000,000 . I know this is without considering interest and government inefficiency and waste. But bear with me.

President Obama wrote in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post that if Congress does not pass his "stimulus" package, and do so right away, "Our nation will slip deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse."

Wow, the stimulus bill must contain some really important stuff if it's critical to the survival of our country! I better take a closer look. Maybe the guy is really onto something. However, research revealed the massive spending proposed in the bill:

-- $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts. Yep, we really need more Dancers, Artists and Sculptors.

-- $380 million for the Women, Infants & Children welfare program. To help "Acorn Voters" and Chicago's South Side.

-- $300 million in grants to combat violence against women. Now are they going to pay Violators not to continue?

-- $1.2 billion to provide "youth" with summer jobs. Doing What and Who Hires Them?

-- $2.4 billion for "neighborhood stabilization" activities. That's a good one! Payment Again to Vote Early and OFTEN!

-- $650 million for digital TV coupons. There are Only 300 MILLION People in the U.S. More than Half are on Cable. No need for coupons for them.

-- $150 million for the Smithsonian. They have doing OK for the last 100 yrs; Let them alone!

-- $34 million to renovate the Dept. of Commerce headquarters
Now That's a lot for New Wall Paper and Carpeting!

-- $500 million for improvements to the National Institute of Health facility. Sounds like a Big Medical Bill to pay for What?

-- $44 million for repairs to the Dept. of Agriculture's headquarters. How come? Where is Regular Daily or yearly Maintenance?

-- $350 million for agriculture department computers. Gee, don't they have any now?

-- $88 million to move (that's right, move) the Public Health Service into a new
building. Wait, Didn't we just give them 500 MILLION a few lines back?

-- $1 billion for the Census Bureau. That for Redistricting to get more Democrat voter areas.

-- $89 billion for Medicaid. Now if they would imprison all the MEDICAID CHEATERS, we probably wouldn't need this much!

-- $30 billion for COBRA extensions. What is COBRA and Who gets the Money?

-- $36 billion for expanded unemployment. That's it! Instead of creating employment, pay them to stay home.

-- $20 billion for food stamps. For illegal immigrants too?

-- $850 million for Amtrak. If Amtrak were run like a business instead of Government, it wouldn't need that much.

-- $87 million for a "polar ice breaking ship" (What about the ice caps melting because of global warming?)

-- $1.7 million for the National Park Service not too bad here.

-- $55 million for the Historic Preservation Fund. Some good form this but that's a lot of preservative!

-- $7.6 million for the Rural Advancement Program. That will help a bit.

-- $150 million for "agricultural commodity purchases." It will not help the FARMER, but it will fill the pockets of Traders!

-- $150 million for producers of livestock, farm-raised fish and honey bees. There has to be a Glitch here for someone Other than Farmers to get most of this.

-- $160 million for paid volunteers (what is a "paid volunteer"?) at the Corporation for National and Community Service. "Where do I apply for one of those paid volunteer positions?"

Are we really to believe President Obama that we may not be able to reverse our country's slide if he, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are prevented from ramming all this pork down our throats? And, by the way, what happened to President Obama's pledge to end pork barrel spending?

Another interesting tidbit: President Obama said that one of the reasons Congress must pass the stimulus bill, and must pass it NOW, is to end our dependence on foreign oil. What is astonishing is that he made this proclamation about energy independence less than 24 hours after his new interior secretary canceled the oil and gas leases on 77 parcels of federal land. For me this stinks!!!

We are only a few weeks into Obama's term and already he and his party are out of control, spending our tax dollars .

Until now this Stimulus Bill did not have an Official Name and only a Number. It now has a name. It is called,

In other words, refer to it by its initials. CRAP!

Smile - maybe the pain will hurt less for 2 seconds. And post your comment or name for this bill.

Tags: Barack Obama, Congressional Pork, National Debt, stimulus bill, 2009 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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