Breaking News
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Info Post
by Sammy Benoit: Here is another tidbit that may surprise the 78% of American Jews who voted for Barack Obama. According to a report in Cable Foreign Policy, Chas W. Freeman Jr. former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia is about to be named as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council [the intelligence community's primary big-think shop and the lead body in producing national intelligence estimates].

. . . [H]e is a terrorist apologist and a master of bashing Israel. Freeman is a believer of the false premise that all Muslim terrorism stems from Israel's battle with the Palestinians . . . Chas also feels that Israel has no right to expect Hamas to renounce violence, and believes that the only reason Israel insists on it is to delay peace talks . . . He also promotes the idea that the US should be engaging terrorists:
Our backing of Israel's efforts to pacify the Palestinians rather than to negotiate peace with them has discredited us as peacemakers without gaining security for Israel. Our attempt to isolate the democratically elected Palestinian government has further discredited us as supporters of democratization in the region. Among other results, our policy has quite predictably left Hamas nowhere to go but deeper into the embrace of Iran. Source
I guess Chas forgets that before Iran was funding the terrorists, it was Iraq and the USSR funding Hamas. The pick of Chas W. Freeman, Jr to head the NIC is just another example of the new US President's plan to change US policy toward Israel. A few of the most recent of the many examples are the selection of Samantha Power to the NSC and the decision to involve the US State Department with the follow up to the Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic "Durban II" UN Conference on Racism. [Israel Hater to Lead National Intelligence Council]  
Sammy Benoit writes for the American Thinker and is editor of Yidwithlid

Tags: Barack Obama, Chas Freeman, Israel, National Intellegence, Sammy Benoit To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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