Breaking News
Friday, March 13, 2009

Info Post
U.S. Rep. John Boozman (R-AR Dist 3) is on record below with his position on Card Check. Waiting to hear from the rest of the Arkansas Delegation especially Rep. Mike Ross (D-Dist 4) and Rep Marion Berry (D-AR Dist 1). Not holding my breath for Rep. Vick Snyder (D-Dist 2); would be shocked if he supported "secret elections for workers." Also, waiting on positions by Senators Mark Pryor (D) and Blanche Lincoln (D).
U.S. Representative John Boozman (R-AR) issued the following statement on the introduction of the “Employee Free Choice Act” also known as Card Check, the job killing legislation that removes the ability for secret ballots to be used before a union can become a certified bargaining agent for all employees, exposing employees to intimidation by union bosses or employers.

“We must not be forced by an employer, union, or set of coworkers to do anything against our free will. I strongly believe Card Check will erode the freedoms of America’s employees and expose them and their families to greater opportunity for threats, intimidation, and retribution for expressing their opinions. Card Check brings in Washington-style bureaucrats to discuss contract negotiations such as pay, benefits and working conditions. Our workers are the ones who need to be involved in discussions that affect them, not unwelcomed union representatives.

At a time when Arkansas families are faced with tough budget decisions because of this economic climate, it doesn’t make sense to vote for legislation that would force workers to pay union dues, forcing them to bring home even less money. Ever since I had the honor of being elected to represent Northwest Arkansas in the House of Representatives, I have worked to protect the rights of all Americans and ensure that they take home more of their paychecks and send less to bureaucrats.

We must protect the secret ballot. This is a democratic ideal that is at the foundation of our voting process. Today, in the United States Congress, this ideal of democracy is being challenged.”
Boozman is an original co-sponsor of H.R. 1176 the Secret Ballot Protection Act which protects our nation's workers against threats, intimidation and retribution by any employer, union or set of coworkers.

Tags: American workers, Card Check, John Boozman, union activism, voting rights To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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