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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: The following letter, by Lois Smith, was sent to Representative Marion Berry (D-AR-1st Dist), Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR). The letter is being shared as an Open Letter. It represent the heart's cry of many Americans to their elected representatives and senators. Too many letters, emails and other communications seem to never reach the eyes and ears of our elected officials.

It appears that "insanity" has captured Congress. But in fact, it may be an agenda which is addressed after the letter. For each of us who have been caught up in the frustration over various elements of the proposed bills and who has sought the right words relevant to the most perverse aspects of the proposed government health care plans, Lois Smith has summed up the entire issue in six words: "loss of our health care liberty." We have been so blessed with liberty that when the government promotes "nice" or "needed" programs, laws, rules or regulation to resolve "problems" or "needs," we miss the issue of liberty being trampled. Let's first read the letter:
[Addresses and Salutation Removed]
August 9, 2009

I realize you have been inundated with mail, etc. concerning the health care reform legislation. I was tempted not to write. But then I thought, “What if one more letter could convince you to withdraw your support for the legislation thus far proposed?”

I don’t know the answer to that question. But what I do know is that the proposed legislation is a very slippery slope that I and many, many others do not want to even consider going down. There are many horror stories out there concerning the present system, but they would pale in comparison to the legislation currently being pushed through. The loss of our health care liberty is of the utmost importance.

Please, I beg you do not endorse any legislation that would take away our private relationship with our doctors or find funding by limiting health care for senior citizens.

Lois Smith
Loss of Health Care Liberty is indeed a nexus point. As presented in a previous article, President Barack Obama, his administraters and other Democratic leaders, are committed to the eventual achievement of a National Single-Payer Health Care System. Why? Because, a massive Federal employment program will be created. Its employees and professionals will become dependent for jobs and incomes on the continuation of the single-payer system. Elected officials, the system's employees and professionals, and their relatives will be joined at the hip even when single-payer health care evidences excessive costs and poor performance as has happened in foreign countries, the system will continual.

Life cycle" cost of humans will become a determinate factor. Workers and professionals will follow (or be forced to follow) the "government guidelines" addressing denial of care, abortion, and end of life decisions. When government controls cradle to grave health care options, it totally controls its people. In the process, the government makes almost everything an issue related to life, health, injury, and the greater good of society. However, "liberty" with its free choices, individual decisions and personal responsibility, and "ethics" will cease or not allowed to exist.

Therefore, we urgently need our elected members of Congress who are not part of the scheme to take away our health care liberty to listen, to learn and then to stop this 'train wreck" before the train leaves the station.

Tags: Freedom, health care, liberty, Lois Smith, Open Letter, US Capitol To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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