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Friday, November 20, 2009

Info Post
The Washington Post: "Sen. Roland W. Burris (D-IL) has been admonished by the Senate ethics committee for his public comments about his appointment last December to the body. In a three-page "public letter of qualified admonition" issued Friday, the committee formally reprimanded Burris for statements -- some made under oath to an Illinois legislative committee -- in which he denied trying to raise any campaign contributions for indicted former governor Rod Blagojevich for his political committees. . . . A letter of admonition is the mildest form of rebuke that the ethics committee can administer. "

Ozark Guru: Imagine calling in a gangster and saying we admonish you - go and sin no more. He would laugh himself to death. The Senate Ethics Committee admonishment is all fluff and meaningless and the end result is that Roland Burris remains a U.S. Senator. He benefits from lying under oath, collects his salary, remains part of the black caucus, votes with the Democrats to place American further into debt, gets to admonish fellow Senators and others who have more integrity from the floor of the Senate, and remains a breathing living example of what corruption and deceit can get you. At least, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) has someone he can smugly to look down on.

Here we have just another example of Chicago politics roaming the halls of the White House and the halls of Congress. Is Burris, the US Senate, Washington D.C., and Illinois without honor? Makes one wish for the Japanese culture where the dishonored end their own disgrace. Burris was not elected. No, under oath, he lied his way into office and was accepted because of an apparent rush to appoint a Senator to support the Democrat agenda. And for some contorted reason, this appointment had to be a democrat black man to replace a former democrat black man who was just sworn in as President.  Talk about racial profiling - what an insult to men and women of any ethnic or political background in Illinois!  Metaphorically, both Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King must have rolled over in their graves. 

Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich must be chuckling at the joke he has played on Illinois and America in response to his being rejected by Barack Obama and his "advisers." Blago thought he was "loved" by them. Since Blago was not acceptable to join them (he should get down on his knees and thank God for this), he appointed Roland Burris who was worthy of them as now evidenced by the incompetence, lying and deceit which we have seen in the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled Congress. Being dishonorable seems to be a qualification these days in the Obama administration and the Senate ethics commission just rubber stamped their approval. Burris should resign! But then again, we haven't seen hell freeze over yet.
Tags: Blago, Dick Durbin, Ethics, gangster government, Obama administration, Ozark Guru, Rod Blagojevich, Roland Burris, US Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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