Breaking News
Friday, November 13, 2009

Info Post
Ed Stoddard in story for Reuters reported:
The Christian Coalition of America in the 1990s was an electoral force to be reckoned with as it mobilized millions of conservative Christians to vote for mostly Republican Party candidates and causes. It has since lost influence and political ground to other “religious right” groups such as the Family Research Council. . . .

So it will no doubt surprise some to see that this week it has joined with the National Wildlife Federation – whose 4 million members and supporters includes 420,000 sportsmen and women – to run an ad urging the U.S. Senate to pass legislation that among other things addresses the pressing problem of climate change.

"Defending the status quo is no longer an option. We need swift action to ensure America is the world leader in clean energy technology. We can put Americans to work making and installing the clean, renewable energy technologies that reduce our dependency on foreign oil and address climate change. Senators should work together to move forward with a clean energy plan for America,” says the ad, which ran this week in Politico. . . .

Roberta Combs, the [new] president of the Christian Coalition, told me in a telephone interview that her group joined forces with the NWF on this issue because it saw a biblical need to look after God’s creation. But she said it also wants America to pursue alternative energy policies to reduce its independence on foreign oil including expanding its use of nuclear power . . .

According to a Pew Research Center poll released on Thursday, 36 percent of Americans say global warming is a result of human activity, down from 47 percent in April 2008."
In addition to the ad in Political, the CCA has run radio ad supporting Cap and Trade across the county. One such ad ran on Little Rock 102.9 KARN. This station is predominately a conservative talk radio with the usual line up of major conservative talk hosts who happen to oppose cap and trade (known by some as "Crap and Tax").

It is evident that Ms. Roberta Combs' CCA ad is trying to influence the opposition to the Cap and Trade and the votes of Senators Lincoln and Pryor. It is sad when a former solid social conservative group aligns itself with the false belief that man is primarily responsible for Global Warming and destroying the earth when both the science and the scriptures Ms Combs allegedly believes also clearly identifies that man is but a vapor and that God not man remains in control of the world. Questions for CCA, Did God make a mistake designing a carbon based life on the Earth? Did God create an abundance of carbon based fuel options to be ignored? Doesn't man and all other animals breath oxygen expel Carbon Dioxide? And based on God's balanced design don't the trees and plants breath (take in) Carbon Dioxide and expel Oxygen?

Well one KARN conservative listener Kenneth Wallis responded to the Christian Coalition of America ad supporting Cap & Trade that he heard on 102.9 KARN:
Our inability to use our own fossil fuels has made us dependent on the Narco-Regime of Mexico for oil.
"First, we agree that climate change is real and threatens our economy and national security. "

"The burning of fossil fuels is responsible for just 3.27% of the carbon dioxide that enters the atmosphere each year, while the biosphere and oceans account for 55.28% and 41.46%, respectively."

"Forty-nine percent of respondents believe Saudi Arabia exports the most oil to the U.S., while just 13% correctly identified Canada as our top foreign supplier. According to the EIA, the U.S. imported 58.2% of its petroleum (including crude oil) in 2007, but only 16.1% of all imports came from Persian Gulf countries."
Energy Information Administration (EIA) survey January 2009 responses of 1,000 Americans, chosen to be representative of public opinion generally, on matters such as the sources of U.S. energy, the extent of the oil supply, the rate of global warming, the safety of nuclear power, and the promise of renewable energy sources.

The rest of the commentary is based on a lie so there's no need for another quote. Why would the Christian Coalition allow commentary from RINO Lindsey GrAmnesty and one of the most leftist Democrats in the Senate John Kerry, when there are so many real conservative Republicans and moderate Democrats to talk to? It's bad enough the lame-stream media + Fox News gives air time to Leftist & RINOs, they don't need it here.

Man-made global warming is a lie from the same people who lied about DDT, The Global ICE Age, The Ozone Layer, Global Warming and now Climate Change. There's alternative energy plans by Michele Bachmann that has America use our own fossil fuels, build refineries, build nuclear power plants, and create real jobs instead of tax-funded green jobs. (HR1810, 1811, & 1812) The CCofA should be running ads supporting those plans, not supporting Crap & Trade.

Tags: cap-and-trade, Kenny Wallis, Michele Bachmann To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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