Breaking News
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Info Post
Little Rock – Today, Senator Blanche Lincoln told the Arkansas Democrat Gazette she was not the deciding vote on health care. However, this statement directly contradicts a television ad released last month where Lincoln touted she was the deciding vote to pass health care reform.

Chase Dugger, Executive Director, Arkansas Republican Party, responded to this contradiction today: “This demonstrates another failed attempt to mislead Arkansas voters,” says Arkansas GOP Executive Director Chase Dugger. “Lincoln made it very clear on the campaign trail that she will say or do anything to get elected. Lincoln’s attempt to distance herself from Barack Obama after embracing him during the runoff proves that Lincoln puts her political aspirations above the people of Arkansas.

"In contrast, Republican nominee Congressman John Boozman has always fought first and foremost for the people in Arkansas and we are fully confident he will be the next U.S. Senator.”

Sees prior article: Sen. Blanche Lincoln's Healthcare Flip-flop "Fig Leaf Cover-up"

Tags: Arkansas, Blanche Lincoln, Flip-Flop, government health care, Chase Dugger, RPA, John Boozman To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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