Breaking News
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: The following referenced FRC Update article is problematic for all American citizens, regardless of which side of the issue they stand on. When any aspect of the Bill of Rights is legislatively restricted for certain classes of American citizens or used to abuse certain groups of American citizen, then all citizens are placed at risk. ENDA is not a road to freedom or protection of any group; it is part of the road to future enslavement and loss of freedom. While all persons have the right to equal access to the American Dream and by the very nature of a free society to associate with people with whom they wish to associate, so must all people's freedoms under the Bill of Rights be protected.

When one people group's rights be they religious or nonreligious, gay or straight, tall or short, slim or fat (you get my drift - anyone) are hindered or denied, all people's rights are placed at risk. When the a majority takes away the rights of the minority, it is an abuse by numbers; when the minority takes away the rights of the majority, it is abuse by persuasion, intimidation, or tyranny. Why should anyone fear the words of another person's religion belief unless the first party also believes that religion belief to be correct in it's interpretation? And, if a person does not believe that the religious interpretation by another is correct, why would they not merely consider such an interpretation it as mere babble?

What is of utmost concern is that limiting anyone's free speech or any other person's Constitutional rights, in fact opens the doors to all people eventually loosing their rights to whims of big government or to tyranny. Not to belabor the often used examples of 1933-1941 Germany, but when Hitler came to power hailed by people, he proceeded to eliminate people outside of the "norms" established for a pure German race. He sought to silence all forms of dissent by a formerly enlightened free people. In the following example relevant to this post, my skipping all the other groups silenced (murdered) is not meant to belittle what also happened to those people. For this discussing, consider this point. Both as dissent and free speech were being removed in Germany - and eventually totally removed - two people groups that were rounded up and silenced were homosexuals and Christians. Even today, in many Muslim controlled countries, the fate of homosexuals and Christians is often the same. As a minimum severe punishment and loss of freedom; and at the maximum, death.

In America, freedom has overcome barriers. Restricting any form or aspect of Constitutional freedoms in the United States for any of its people, leads back to tyranny and eventually to the destruction of the freedoms for all our people. May the people of America regardless of alleged "sexual orientation" or alleged "religious belief" awake and not be played by those who seek to pit one people group against another for either political advancement, an agenda, or a desire to destroy this great American Republic. Silencing Citizen's Free Speech And Dissent Will Destroy The United States.
[Point of Clarification: In consideration of that one might misinterpret the comments above and miss the key point, let me clarify that comments are in no way not meant to assign people to mutually exclusive groups.]
FRC Washington Update: Homosexual activists are no longer content to try to end "discrimination" against homosexuals--they are now trying to impose discrimination on anyone who dissents from their views. The most recent evidence comes from Georgia, where Augusta State University counseling student Jennifer Keeton has had to file a federal lawsuit, with the help of our friends at Alliance Defense Fund, to defend her rights. When Jen expressed her Christian view that homosexual conduct is morally wrong in class and in private conversation with other students, the faculty responded by insisting that she participate in a "remediation plan"--essentially, a year-long program of intensive pro-homosexual indoctrination that would only be considered successful if she abandoned her moral values.

Unfortunately, this is not the first such story of political correctness in the counseling profession reaching totalitarian levels. ADF is representing a student who was already kicked out of a similar program at Eastern Michigan University, and another woman who was fired as a counselor for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, her story appears on our video "ENDA: The End of Religious Freedom in America?." This radical agenda--not just to officially affirm homosexuality, but to forcefully crush any dissent--is exactly what Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has endorsed. When will they learn that we have no intention of forfeiting our constitutional right to free speech and freedom of religion?

Tags: FRC, Washington update, dissent, punishment, free speech, religious freedom, ENDA, tyranny, human rights, liberty, Bill or Rights, religious beliefs, Christians, homosexuals, gay, straight, Germany, Muslim nations, United States To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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