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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Info Post
By  Bill Smith (Ozark Guru):  In the Ozarks, we have lots of raccoons, often abbreviated as "coons." Sometimes, people even have made friends with a few of these animals and have them as quasi pets. But when we learn that a Nevada dessert rat, make that democ-rat, calls Coons his pet, we say "wait a minute." Yes, I'm rambling a bit - but I wanted you to read this post.  And who want's to read about loser Harry Reid?  Maybe Mrs. Reid whom we hope is successfully recovering from injuries last March. She and her daughter were rear-ended by a tractor-trailer.

In truth, it has been Harry Reid who has been rambling around helping to drive our country into debt with wasteful spending. Harry Reid recently evidenced that Delaware's Democrat candidate Chris Coons has deep ties to the Washington, D.C. progressive elites.  Reid last week said that  Chris Coons was "my pet."  The last thing anyone should want to be called is Reid's pet. Coons ought to demand an apology!

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) recently said, "Folks in Delaware don't want to send another 'business as usual' politician to Washington. That's why Christine O'Donnell is the best choice. She's not afraid to stand up to the big spenders in both political parties." Beltway pundits continue to say Christine can't win and that Republicans in Delaware should have nominated a tax hiking, big spending liberal. Well, folks, neither Delaware or the the rest of the country can afford a "pet" of  Harry Reid being elected to the US Senate.

"Democrats are spending money in this race because they know Christine can win," said Matt Hoskins, spokesman for the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF). "Republicans cannot abandon her and give up on this seat." In addition to this new ad, SCF also raised $174,000 last week for Christine O'Donnell's campaign

You can let both the Democrats and liberal establishment Republicans know that you are not pleased with them or their agenda by supporting Christine O'Donnell -- even in a small donation from those who live in another state will be very helpful against the Obama advertising machine which will be supporting Reid's "pet."

Tags: Delaware, Harry Reid, my pet, Chris Coons, Christine O'Donnell, ad To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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