Today, H.R. 6099, Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act was not passed and may be dead for this congressional year. If passed, H.R. 6099 would have required that women considering an abortion 20 weeks or more after fertilization be informed of the pain their child would feel during the lethal procedure so they may request anesthesia in order to reduce or eliminate the child's pain. The bill would not require anesthesia; it would, however, protect a doctor's right to inform the woman of any risks to her according to the doctor's own best medical judgment.
On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Failed by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 250 - 162 (Roll no. 526). It is questionable that the bill will be voted on again to bring the bill to a vote or if done to see the such action in time for the Senate to act on the bill. For Arkansas, the only good news on this failed situation is that all four of our Arkansas Congressmen voted in support to suspend the rules and pass the bill. Review the actions & Roll Call vote
H.R. 6099, Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act Not Passed
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