Breaking News
Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Info Post
The Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) State Committee to meet Saturday, December 9, in Little Rock, Arkansas at the Statehouse Convention Center. Leadership positions for the next two years will be selected at this meeting.

State Senator Gilbert Baker (Conway) has served as Chairman of the RPA since December 2004. During this same period the Republican party has lost all elections for State offices which will be controlled 100% by Democrats in January and it lost AR senate and house races considered critical for 2007-2008.

Governor Huckabee is encouraging the RPA delegates to re-elect Baker. Huckabee said in a RPA meeting notice, "Gilbert has provided steady leadership for our party. Moving forward, it is imperative that we have some level of consistency and continuity within our leadership to ensure that we are vibrant for the 2008 election cycle. In talking with Gilbert, he does understand the needs we have as a party and the hurdles we face. I, also, believe Gilbert's fundraising abilities and ability to unite people will be critical to moving our party forward." Other potential candidates for Chairman were not identified by the RPA meeting notice.
Tags: Arkansas, Mike Huckabee


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