“Senator Obama is a very charming person and he may likely become the Democrat’s presidential candidate in 2008,” said TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty. “But I hope that Christians will pay attention to his actions and his voting record—not his words—in deciding whether or not to support him in 2008. He has a voting record as far left as John Kerry or Ted Kennedy and his support of abortion and homosexuality make him an anti-life, anti-traditional marriage candidate.” Read about Obama position on homosexuality, Federal Marriage Amendment, abortion, partial-birth abortion, schools filtering internet pornography, and more ...
Who Is Senator Barak Obama & What Does He Believe?
Info Post
Senator Barak Obama (D-IL) has only been a U.S. Senator for two years but he is being promoted in the media as the Democrat’s best hope for winning the White House in 2008. Sen. Obama recently traveled to New Hampshire, where he was warmly welcomed by Democrat supporters. In November, Obama gave a keynote speech on AIDS at Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in Southern California. Sen. Obama speaks as a man of faith.
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