by Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA: On Thursday, both former Gov. Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain addressed the audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). For Romney, CPAC set the stage for his emergence as a presidential candidate. At last year's CPAC, Romney came away as the winner of the presidential straw poll. This year, it was the stage for his farewell address. For McCain, who skipped last year's CPAC, Thursday's speech was his first attempt to make nice with a conservative base he will certainly need if he hopes to win in November. How did the two men do? It was a tale of two speeches -- one set a tone for what conservatism is all about, the other focused on a set of statements emphasizing that Hillary or Obama would be worse than voting Republican.
Romney's speech was a class act, and yes, I was a Romney supporter, and I am even more of one now. He pointed out the problems facing America, but also reminded the audience of the great strengths inherent in the American people. Through a firm belief in conservative ideals, America reached the summit as the lone remaining superpower. But with a new set of challenges, America must work to stay at the top, and Romney was clear in presenting the case for how America could do it.
On the flip side, McCain's speech was focused on telling the audience how conservative he really is. . . . McCain also mentioned a litany of what Hillary or Obama would do as president and a laundry list of liberal programs which McCain presented to show that he would not be as bad as they are. That is not good enough! We need someone who will fight for conservative government and ideals. Only that type of person will win our support in November. There is more I will write on that subject next week, but for now, please read the speeches . . . [Read More] Romney Speech at CPAC & McCain Speech at CPAC
Tags: Bobby Eberle, CPAC, GOPUSA, John Mccain, Mitt Romney To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
A Tale of Two Speeches at CPAC
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