by Tony Perkins, FRC Action: After Mitt Romney's surprise exit from the presidential race last week, pundits were ready to fast forward to the fall's election, declaring John McCain the GOP standard bearer. . . . McCain has "got some convincing to do to convince people that he is a strong conservative." If he hopes to reassure social conservatives and shore up the base, I have some suggestions. First, Senator McCain should announce that he now supports President Bush's policy on denying funds for experiments involving human embryos. He should declare that he's alarmed about the breakdown of the family and that he intends to name a White House czar whose role it will be to fashion policies to empower families to tend to their own needs and raise their children in intact homes. McCain could vow to name a distinguished group of conservative scholars and lawyers to advice him on judicial selection with the goal of securing a judiciary that will not act as a lawmaking body. Then, he could make it clear that his vote on Planned Parenthood funding was no fluke. Domestic and foreign agencies engaged in the abortion trade should not receive U.S. tax dollars, and he should leave no doubt that he will veto any bill that offers them funding. These are just a few ideas. . . .
Tags: conservatives, John McCain, social conservatives, Tony Perkins, FRC, Family Research Council, Election 2008 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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