On The Floor: The Senate reconvenes at 2 PM today and resumes consideration of the FISA reform bill (S. 2248). The Senate will likely debate FISA for two days and will take up a number of amendments, including at least three Democrat amendments concerning immunity for telecom companies that assisted the government with surveillance programs.
At 5:30 PM, there will be a cloture vote on the motion to proceed to the economic stimulus bill (H.R. 5140). However, this schedule may depend on how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decides to move forward on the economic stimulus package. When the Senate takes up the economic stimulus bill, a number of amendments are expected to be offered, including a substitute amendment in the form of the spending-stuffed Senate Finance Committee bill.
From Senate & News Sources: As discussions on the economic stimulus package continue, it is apparent that some Senate Democrats are more interested in playing politics than in quickly passing a bill to provide tax relief to Americans. Roll Call writes today: "Republicans remain suspicious that Democrats are scheduling these votes [on amendments to the stimulus bill] only to provide the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee with fodder for election ads this year. The lesson from 2007 was that to get things done, you need to put the campaign aside and get to work on serious legislation."
Regarding the Senate’s other important business, FISA reform, Sen. Bond, Vice Chair of the Intelligence Committee warned last week in a web video, “Without this legislation we’re deaf and blind to communications from terrorists who are posing great threats.” With the temprary extention granted last week, Congress now has until February 15th to pass a fix to the FISA law before critical surveillance provisions expire.
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Today in Washington D. C. - Feb 4, 2008
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