Barrasso (R-WY) Bayh (D-IN) Bennett (R-UT) Bond (R-MO) Brownback (R-KS) Burr (R-NC) Cantwell (D-WA) Chambliss (R-GA) Coburn (R-OK) Cochran (R-MS) Collins (R-ME) | Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) DeMint (R-SC) Dorgan (D-ND) Ensign (R-NV) Enzi (R-WY) Feingold (D-WI) Graham (R-SC) Grassley (R-IA) Hutchison (R-TX) | Inhofe (R-OK) Isakson (R-GA) Johanns (R-NE) Lincoln (D-AR) Martinez (R-FL) McCain (R-AZ) McConnell (R-KY) Murkowski (R-AK) Nelson (D-NE) Risch (R-ID) | Roberts (R-KS) Sanders (I-VT) Sessions (R-AL) Shaheen (D-NH) Shelby (R-AL) Specter (R-PA) Thune (R-SD) Vitter (R-LA) Wicker (R-MS) Wyden (D-OR) |
Included were 9 Senators who caucus with the Democratic majority. What does that mean? It means that if Senate Republicans had stood together—and if they can now unite—the unbridled Washington spending spree could actually be brought under control. It also means that those tired of the bailout—in the media and at the grassroots level—need now to apply pressure to the the following Republican Senators who defected from the vast majority of their caucus:
Alexander (R-TN; Gregg (R-NH); Kyl (R-AZ); Lugar (R-IN); Snowe (R-ME)
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